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Pivot table using data from multiple tabs - Google Docs Editors ...

Aug 22, 2023 ... I have a Google Sheet with multiple users. Each user has their own tab to track information about rescheduling appointments.

Dynamic Update of Chart of Pivot Table as rows increase - Google ...

Oct 3, 2019 ... I have a pie chart of data from a pivot table. Works fine. The problem is the pivot table will grow in size as more data is added over time.

Issue with Pivot Table in Google Sheets. - Google Docs Editors ...

Apr 17, 2020 ... The Pivot Table rows are getting removed automatically on every change in the data. When I am undoing the change - the rows are again coming back.

I'd like to create a pivot table using multiple tabs with significant ...

Aug 25, 2020 ... Note that since your data does not specifically have a column for "Region" that information is NOT carried over to the consolidated data tab.

Is there a limit for Pivot Tables? - Google Docs Editors Community

Sep 15, 2021 ... I have currently 132,363 rows of raw data which I want to filter with a pivot table. Everything worked fine before adding more data (rows) to ...

GETPIVOTDATA - Google Docs Editors Help

], [pivot_item, ...]) value_name - The name of the value in the pivot table for which you want to get data. value_name must be enclosed in quotation marks ...

Create & use pivot tables - Computer - Google Docs Editors Help

Click the pop-up Edit button underneath the pivot table. In the side panel, next to "Values," click Add and then click Calculated field. Calculate a value with ...

Pivot Table Inquiry - Sum of formulas from source data. - Google ...

Nov 19, 2019 ... On my data sheet, I am using an IF formula to convert yes/no responses into ones and zeros. I have created a pivot table on another tab to ...

Get latest value for a column based on another column (date ...

Jan 15, 2021 ... I have some very simple raw data which lists the version of components deployed by client. I want to produce a pivot table which shows a list of ...

Pivot table not updating sum from query data - Google Docs Editors ...

May 20, 2019 ... I've had a pivot tables for each month of the year to have a clear overview of monthly volume. The source data is a query that imports a ...

transform data so I can make a pivot table - Google Docs Editors ...

Feb 11, 2020 ... transform data so I can make a pivot table. My data is not in a pivot table friendly format. ... I would like the newly created table to be ...

Data slicer affecting pivot table in unexpected manner - Google ...

Jun 8, 2022 ... From this data I set up a pivot table so that I can make a graph displaying how many tasks were finished on a certain day broken out by the ...

Pivot Table Errors with Calculated Fields - Google Docs Editors ...

Aug 12, 2021 ... Do Pivot Tables go mental when Calculated Fields point to data that was made by a formula?? It seems very weird if this is the case. I have ...

Usual Pivot Table different from previous month - Google Docs ...

Mar 25, 2021 ... In the data set, I keep track of credit card charges, by purpose, card, and day. I filter dates for the start and closing of the month.

After filtering a pivot table with slicers, why does the drill down show ...

Sep 12, 2020 ... ... data set of 1,000. Why is this? (I'm not looking for workarounds, I can already get the desired result by using the direct pivot table filters.

Return several values to a single cell based on two or more criteria ...

Sep 29, 2020 ... EDIT: With some experimentation with pivot tables, I think I have ... table all the way down, I get the data I am looking for. The only ...

In Sheets, Can I create a Pivot Table from data from an Excel sheet ...

Mar 10, 2020 ... ... pivot table is and any external sheets. I have seen that i could import the data but this would be very annoying as we need to generate ...

Is there a way to get a pivotable to automatically hide rows/columns ...

Mar 23, 2021 ... The 'data' shows the list of learners and the amounts in each ... pivot table. I've also set up a QUERY formula in cell G3 to show the ...

Extracting data from a badly laid-out table - Google Docs Editors ...

Jun 29, 2022 ... Your results in "MK_Idea" look great and I just need to check which one would be easier to use in a pivot table to get all the totals. Looking ...

Pivot table sort bug - Google Docs Editors Community

Oct 9, 2021 ... I have made a simple pivot table from data consisting of restaurants and their corresponding cuisines. The data in my pivot I am trying to ...