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Can't modify table style - font in table of contents window

contents formatted like the one I had before (font properties wise). So I select the table of contents tab on the ribbon (Word 2007), then I select "Insert a ...

How to add a table of contents that automatically updates? - Google ...

Dec 28, 2023 ... I would like to make this outline automatically update with any headings I type into the doc (for example, any words I put in bold or underlined ...

Table of Content and Numbered Lists in Google Docs - Google Docs ...

May 24, 2019 ... If you put the numbers manually, so they appear in the table of content ... For business-use word processing, consider Microsoft Word or other ...

Add a title, heading, or table of contents in a document - Computer ...

Try powerful tips, tutorials, and templates. Learn to work on Office files without installing Office, create dynamic project plans and team calendars, auto- ...

Table of contents in Google Docs showing in sidebar, how do I show ...

Mar 31, 2020 ... You need to put your cursor in your document where you want the TOC to go (not just hover it there but click on it so it's in a particular spot) and then ...

Generate a table of contents using paragraph numbers

A table of contents for the numbered paragraphs will automatically ... Insert > Reference > Index and Tables > Table of Contents tab. Un-tick the ...

How can you add titles in your table of contents? - Google Docs ...

Apr 26, 2019 ... Although I know how the table of contents doesn't list down the titles put in this doc. For example, my doc has the titles North America, South ...

How do I get my Table Titles and Figure Titles to have auto ...

Aug 10, 2020 ... So if you want to do that, make sure to put placeholder text below each header. ... Table Titles and Figure Titles) similar to MS Word. Is there ...

Add a title, heading, or table of contents in a document - Android ...

Try powerful tips, tutorials, and templates. Learn to work on Office files without installing Office, create dynamic project plans and team calendars, auto- ...

Table of Contents is not picking up certain Headers for Hyperlinking ...

May 27, 2023 ... When I create a TOC or Table of Contents within my google document, all of my Header 1 and some of my Header 2's are not automatically hyperlinked to the TOC.

Trouble creating section break between two pages - Google Docs ...

Apr 27, 2022 ... If you have running content, such as a table, list, or table of contents, that spans across two pages, there isn't any way to insert a ...

Links in Table of Contents will not take me to section when used ...

Jul 21, 2023 ... It doesn't appear to be tied to images. I've also tried inserting an actual bookmark and that is not working either. Details. Docs, ...

Table of Contents using 1.1 , 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, etc.

3. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.4 4 4.1. This would allow me to for instance insert a new section under 3.2.2 ... I use Word 2002 (XP. Thank you so ...

When I try to update my Table of Contents it is not recognizing all of ...

Feb 26, 2020 ... When I try to update my Table of Contents it is not recognizing all of my titles and putting them in · 1. Create a new document or go into a ...

Add a title, heading, or table of contents in a document - iPhone ...

Try powerful tips, tutorials, and templates. Learn to work on Office files without installing Office, create dynamic project plans and team calendars, auto- ...

Creating and updating a Table of Contents in MS Publisher 2003

Unlike MS Word I have been unable to create an automatic Table of Contents, therefore, we've been creating them manually then updating them each time we need ...

how to link one paragraph to another in a google doc (300 pages ...

Jul 3, 2019 ... thank you for your help!! while i'm at it, how can i put a link to the table of contents at the bottom (footer?) of each page?

Add, delete & organize pages - Sites Help

The table of contents automatically updates when you edit your page. On your computer, open a site in new Google Sites. At the top right, click Insert and then ...

Table of Contents shows Wrong Page Numbers - Google Docs ...

Aug 31, 2021 ... I have put page breaks before the headings causing the issues. (It's not EVERY heading, mind you.) I have deleted the TOC and redone it. It's ...