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Can't modify table style - font in table of contents window

... create a new table of contents formatted like the one I had before (font properties wise). So I select the table of contents tab on the ribbon (Word 2007), then ...

Table Background Turns Blue

I am seeing my text turn blue as I type in a table in Word 2007. It darkens to very dark blue so you cannot see what you're typing! Does not make sense.

Labels-single spacing - how to make default Word 2007

From what I can ascertain, when the Word table is inserted to create the label structure, it's also adding space before each paragraph and a left and right ...

MS Office Word 2007 Hands-On

Figure 1 – MS Office 2007 Picture g. Insert a Table. 1. Click the Insert tab. From the Tables group select Table. 2. Roll the mouse pointer over the squares ...

How to copy table cell shading to another cell in Word?

Nov 27, 2008 ... > For me, using Word 2007, the shading tab does not show the current color. > The conditions are > 1) it is a custom color > 2) close word and ...

Embedding Excel spreadsheet in Word: Office 2007 error

"While running Win XP with Office 2007, within Outlook, I can Insert > Table > Excel Spreadsheet in emails, calendar appointments and journal entries, but ...

Word 2007 - pasting onto drawing canvas

What you want to do is insert the drawing canvas, then insert the picture you want in your word document. ... and drawing tables, dragon picture drawing, r2800 ...

Table numbering ascending down columns, not across rows

Feb 3, 2003 ... the same). How to create numbered headings or outline numbering in your Word Document http://www.ShaunaKelly.com/word/numbering/OutlineNumbering ...

list numbering does NOT continue from previous table??????

Mar 4, 2010 ... using word 2k;. I have 2 tables separated by a hard page break. first table has 3 columns, with first column being a numbered list.

TOC page numbers bold

> > don't know where else to check. > > > I'm using Word 2007 on XP system- Hide quoted text - > > - ... table of contents. If, in addition, the TOC 2 ...

I need to use <Next Record> Mergefield in Publisher 2007 but ...

May 25, 2010 ... dialog box appears and you can select your Word document containing the data ... Based on the size of your document, this will put multiple merged ...

18 levels of numbering without tears

May 29, 2003 ... I am new to word 2007 and understand how to create a multilevel list and using list styles. ... list under anyone of these heading levels ...

Can't figure out how to export Mathematica into Word

Apr 2, 2009 ... Also, when exporting to rtf, the tables come out as a list of data instead of being in the correct form. Another system used to export this ...

Table of contents does not include all heading levels

... Word Tables of. Contents :-) 2) The next thing to check is the actual ... Software Design. The nadir of this design was Windows Vista and Office 2007.

Word 2007- Insert figure caption

Dear Friends, I want to insert caption to my figures, to be able to make table of figures in Word 2007. When I press insert caption button, ...

Table of contents picking up body text

entire document and then reformat the headings because it would create more work ... I've been having this problem with Word 2007 as well. I've checked

Lose Changes to Style When Document ReOpened

To find the command (Word 2007 or later), first click to select the actual list symbol (bullet or number); Word selects all symbols belonging to the same list.

Cross-Reference dialog box - change the default settings

Word 2003 SP2 on XP. ... options from "Entire Caption" to "Only label and number"? Obviously this only applies to the Figure and Table reference types. Many ...

OT: Word OLE error - can't open file - Help!

Mar 31, 2011 ... I just translated the document and updated the table of contents. I'm using Word 2007 and I didn't use any type of TM tool. Now it doesn't ...

Auto completion based on selection of Drop down menu item (Word)

Apr 11, 2007 ... I have a table/form in word where I have a drop down menu in one column. I would like other columns to be automatically completed based on the item selected in ...