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Add a title, heading, or table of contents in a document - Computer ...

Add, change, or delete a table of contents · On your computer, open a document in Google Docs. · Click where you want the table of contents. · Click Insert and ...

How can you add titles in your table of contents? - Google Docs ...

Apr 26, 2019 ... Could it have something to do with the original document which was in word that I uploaded, then saved as a google doc?

Table of Content and Numbered Lists in Google Docs - Google Docs ...

May 24, 2019 ... If you put the numbers manually, so they appear in the table of content ... For business-use word processing, consider Microsoft Word or ...

Add a title, heading, or table of contents in a document - Android ...

You can organize your document with text styles like titles or headings. Add a table of contents. You cannot insert a Table of contents on Android. Make a ...

Table of contents in Google Docs showing in sidebar, how do I show ...

Mar 31, 2020 ... You need to put your cursor in your document where you want the TOC to go (not just hover it there but click on it so it's in a particular spot) and then ...

Insert a TOC on Tab 1 that includes content across all tabs. - Google ...

Dec 19, 2024 ... ... content from all tabs in a WORD doc and then insert a TOC using WORD? Details. Docs,Microsoft Windows,Personal use. Locked. This question is ...

Table of Contents using 1.1 , 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, etc.

3. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.3 3.4 4 4.1. This would allow me to for instance insert a new section under 3.2.2 ... I use Word 2002 (XP. Thank you so ...

Add a title, heading, or table of contents in a document - iPhone ...

Add a table of contents · On your iPhone or iPad, open a document in the Google Docs app. · Tap a document. · At the bottom right, tap Edit Edit . · Tap where you ...

Generate a table of contents using paragraph numbers

Insert > Reference > Index and Tables > Table of Contents tab. Un-tick the ... Word MVP FAQ site: http://www.mvps.org/word. "Shauna Kelly" <Shaun ...

Table of Contents linking to wrong header - Google Docs Editors ...

Jul 11, 2021 ... Yet, when I insert the Table of Contents, every entry links to the Table of Contents, except for the About the Author Entry, which links to ...

I am trying to add a second table of content - Google Docs Editors ...

May 4, 2023 ... It's not possible to have two table of contents in a Docs document. You would need to create a separate list of the figures and tables and enter their page ...

Add a title, heading, or table of contents in a document - iPhone ...

Add a table of contents · On your iPhone or iPad, open a document in the Google Docs app. · Tap a document. · At the bottom right, tap Edit Edit . · Tap where you ...

When I insert a table in a doc, it moves the entire text to the next ...

Nov 18, 2021 ... When I input a table in a Google Doc, the next lines of text immediately go to the next page, as if a page break is inserted.

Trouble creating section break between two pages - Google Docs ...

Apr 27, 2022 ... The only workaround I can propose is to insert the TOC on page four, copy the content that extends beyond the end of the text area of the page, and then delete ...

How to add a table of contents that automatically updates? - Google ...

Dec 29, 2023 ... Hi, I have the document outline visible in the left-hand sidebar of a google doc that is full of text. ... I've already tried >> Insert >> Table ...

how to add a dotted line in table of contents to look like standard ...

May 6, 2020 ... how to add a dotted line in table of contents to look like standard word table of contents? i typed the dots between the headers and their ...

Why is table of contents not working properly? - Google Docs Editors ...

Mar 22, 2023 ... From what I can tell, it seems that you might have entered your headings for section 4 onward without initially putting any placeholder text ...

Table of Contents is not picking up certain Headers for Hyperlinking ...

May 27, 2023 ... When I create a TOC or Table of Contents within my google document, all of my Header 1 and some of my Header 2's are not automatically hyperlinked to the TOC.