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meaning and pronunciation of Clojure

Brian Will. unread,. Jan 3, 2009, 9:59:56 PM1/3/09.... Reply to ... Pronounced "closure" as if the "j" is French.. Randall R Schulz's profile ...


Brian D Diehm ... Spanish pronunciation "yuh" and the initial "c" is pronounced "s"). It is used in French to indicate that a "c" should be pronounced "s.".

how to pronounce this French phrase

Thanks in advance, can anyone tell me how to pronounce this French phrase?: "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose‏". Brian. John of Aix's profile photo ...

Star name pronunciation?

a chance to pick your brain on that one. :) Brian Tung <[email protected]> The Astronomy Corner at http://astro.isi.edu/ Unofficial C5+ Home ...

golingo - Apps on Google Play

Build confidence fast. Master useful conversation. Success-Oriented Learning Method. Our intelligent AI directed conversations give you realistic, ...

Why is Picard's accent English if he's French?

Brian Mueller. unread,. May 19, 1997, 7:00:00 AM5/19/97... Delete. You do ... Picard pronounce his own name like "Jean-*look*"! THS Remove NOSPAM. for ...

S. King's "Langoliers" question

Apr 26, 1994 ... My sister says it "Lan-go-lee-AYE" (like it's French or something). ... Glad to have found out how to pronounce it correctly! > You do know ...

Greyhawk names?

How do *you* pronounce the Duchy of Geoff? "Jeff" or "Gee-off". No idea ... bad french, "ah WELcome to zee dushy of jay-OOf"> hehe. -- -Louis ____ / \ \_ ...

Good Words Gone Bad

>Rather than repeating your original quote again and again Brian, maybe ... >>French language, and pronounced as I and many other purists pronounce >>it ...

How should we pronounce country names?

Apr 14, 1998 ... > on French names. Since (Mandarin) Chinese has distinctive intonation (i.e. the intonation tells you which word you have just heard), your ...

This week's Q&A thread -- please read before asking or answering a ...

Sep 13, 2021 ... ... pronounce a raised trill and especially a laminal trill without the ... Brian D. Joseph. Language History, Language Change, and ...

Native American names

Brian Chandler. unread,. Aug 26, 2010, 6:19:27 AM8/26/10.... Reply ... The proper French pronunciation of Ne is neither ヌ nor ネ (nor is it ナ, ニ ...

English Spanish AI Translator - Apps on Google Play

English Spanish AI Translator Language dictionary translator, talk Spanish & English. Translate text and voice English Spanish AI Translator is a ...

[OT] How do you spell 'kapeesh'?

> It may be a dialect form of "capisce." Thank you, Karen, Brian and Nora. ... French pronunciation (with which Americans are more familiar; e.g., quiche) and

How to pronounce "Leupold"

# happy as long as you spell the name correctly on your check... #. My favorite is people who pronounce the French "Coup de Grace" as "coo de ... Brian wrote:.

Do the Dutch eat Ostriches?

think the French-Poodle connection sounds more like what I've made it out to ... endeavour to describe it, as you cannot pronounce the 'ui' how much you try.


Brian Roberts. unread,. Apr 2, 1998, 8:00:00 AM4/2/98... Delete. You ... unless ones own language is French.. Regardless, I still say 'fort' and just

How to pronounce AWK

-- From Brian Kernighan's original AWK distribution's FIXES file. ... no longer an awkward beginner. So I pronounce the name of the language as the inventors ...