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Cleanig\ng smoke damaged tapestries

cotton? Either way, fabrics suck up the smoke smell like crazy and sometimes you can't get rid of it. dora.. Olwyn Mary's profile photo. Olwyn Mary. unread ...

weird laundry problem (smell)

Some items come out of my wash with a weird, unpleasant metallic odor. At first it was a couple of towels, now it's some shirts and a pair of my sons jeans.

Biweekly Assistance Post! Ask Anything Detailing Related That You ...

Feb 19, 2021 ... ... smelly clothing? would an ozone generator or something ... get rid of the smell, regardless if it's mold/mildew or not? Upvote

US20210009922A1 - Methods and compositions for reducing ...

Thus, by way of example, in one embodiment, a method for removing persistent odor in clothing is provided comprising applying an aqueous composition to clothing ...

US20100216687A1 - Fabric conditioners - Google Patents

... clean smell on cotton containing fabrics without the use of perfume materials. ... washed fabrics with long-acting antibacterial and odor inhibition ...

US6723428B1 - Anti-microbial fiber and fibrous products - Google ...

The resulting fabric is a pastel shade fabric without the need of going ... Preventing such growth reduces or eliminates the “musty smell” currently ...

US20040214495A1 - Anti-microbial products - Google Patents

The resulting fabric is a pastel shade fabric without the need of going ... Preventing such growth reduces or eliminates the “musty smell” currently ...

HappyNest | Laundry Service - Apps on Google Play

HappyNest Laundry Pickup & Delivery offers top-notch, professional, and customizable laundry service with next-day return across the U.S. Simply create an ...

WO2020081300A1 - Process for controlling odor on a textile ...

[0006] In a further aspect, the invention relates to a laundry care composition comprising: (a) a polyethyleneimine compound comprising a plurality of amine ...

Musty smell in rooms.

Look for human made sources of damp, mainly steamy cooking, showers without ventilation, indoor clothes drying. Check the loft for wetness anywhere. Inspect ...

Question: Moving sewing room to basement

Jun 16, 2004 ... when there is no heat, the musty smell got to the fabric before I detected it. A quick wash took care of it though. Linda .'s profile photo ...

US20050098759A1 - Methods for improving the performance of ...

Wrinkle control compositions must however, be capable of removing wrinkles from fabrics without the application of heat to cure or otherwise acitvate the ...

US7879350B2 - Method for reducing odor using colloidal ...

Other uses include, without limitation, refrigerator mats and fabric softener sheets. The colloidal nanoparticles may also be applied to water treatment ...

US7407922B2 - Deodorizing compositions - Google Patents

Compositions for treating fabric to remove stains, soils, and spilled liquids are known. ... the musty. mildew odor. in this jar? TABLE NO. 5. Detection and ...

WO2020104009A1 - Jasmol - Google Patents

a fresh, neutral and clean odor of the clothes/laundry after the washing or cleaning process is expected. the cleaned/washed clothes/laundry showed a musty ...

US6134806A - Bag with air distributor and ozone generator ...

Garments and sport equipment that retain water will mold, mildew and have unpleasant odors without adequate removal of water and moisture from the equipment.

CN104413073A - Mould-proof care agent for clothes - Google Patents

This product has efficient sterilizing, except mould mildew-resistant, care of laundry items, smell delicate fragrance, the advantage such as easy to use, ...

CN111263838A - Fragrance composition for inhibiting off-flavor ...

The odor caused by the contamination is expressed as musty odor of a wet basement, unpleasant odor of wet clothes left for a long time, and the like. It is ...

EP0601020B1 - Detergent compositions containing lipase and ...

It has been found that including a certain amount of terpene or terpenoid is the laundry detergent can markedly reduce or eliminate this malodor. Again without ...