About 1,377,386 results (5,654 milliseconds)

My forbidden fantasy: Voting for Trump - Penelope Trunk Careers Blog

Oct 12, 2016 ... It's taboo to say you're not happy in that country. why did you move ... I especially liked your French Revolution metaphor.

Grade 10x - 1963 - 2(F)Wing, Grostenquin, France: Where Are You ...

in your class list, but can't say where most of them are now, ... Wing brat - Jim Webster, who would have been in grade 11 that year I believe ...

Cult Info Since 1979 - Mommy, Did You Get to See the Dolphins

“I've never been to this part of France before,” she lied. The lies roll ... They were so cute trying to say chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla in French.

An open letter to BIS from a wounded veteran. : r/arma

Feb 27, 2018 ... Army brat here, if OP decides to have kids, I honestly think he'll ... I would rather like to hear what you have to say about that matter.

Masterman Voices - Goodbye Gallagher

... speak to our school was even better.” What will you miss the most about being at Masterman? “I will miss presenting the "French grading system” —which I did ...

I'm curious....

just because I've never been much of a brat, I guess....) Well have a great ... >Darryl, I think I'm correct is saying "Canex" stands for Canadian > ...

Masterman Voices - Madame Heimann

I think I'll better understand and learn French in a less constricting environment.” ... “I can't say I remember,” she wrote, “but probably something along ...

Young kids and financial values while on the fatFIRE path : r/fatFIRE

Oct 24, 2020 ... ... say, “how much do you have in your piggy bank?” EDIT: As the kids ... I think kids being spoiled brats has more to do with the behavior ...

Be Inspired #175 - common ground

Feb 7, 2014 ... You are a never ending source of inspiration to me and others ... As you say, so much inspiration out there. Love that t.v. stand and ...

Masterman Voices - Simon Gardner (12-1)

Jun 23, 2022 ... I remember you once saying “I'm George Bailey.” What is your relationship to the inspiring character of George Bailey? Photo courtesy ...

Masterman Voices - Jenna Makuen (12-3)

Gavriela Kalish-Schur (11-4) · What is your favorite memory from your time at Masterman? · I think I would say Spirit Week. · You were involved with the musical ...

my high school story

got you little brat oh please just ask mom to buy you one. “No, mom said ... “That is easy for you to say said arimenta you're like the teachers pet i ...

Masterman Voices - Rylee Porter Senior Spotlight

What is your favorite soccer bus song? And do you have anything to add about the wonderful DJing that goes on in the back of the bus? I won't speak on ...

When You Have Concerns - AVC

May 18, 2016 ... I wore my best suit, shined my shoes, wore a French cuff shirt that ... This might give you a vocabulary around what you're trying to say.

What is your favorite character from The Stand? Why?

Apr 14, 1996 ... you ;) that kept getting in the way. I loved Nick Andros, just because I tend to like differently-abled (or maybe I should just say ...

Masterman Voices - Goodbye, Ms. Smith

Jun 23, 2021 ... “I don't have a most memorable moment… but I can say that what's memorable for me are all the students that I've gotten to know through classes ...

Young kids and financial values while on the fatFIRE path : r/fatFIRE

Oct 24, 2020 ... ... say, “how much do you have in your piggy bank?” EDIT: As the kids ... I think kids being spoiled brats has more to do with the behavior ...

Masterman Voices - Samuel Hamilton Senior Spotlight

As a member of mock trial, what is your favorite legal term? While I can't say I have thought a great deal about this, off the top of my head I would probably ...

Masterman Voices - Maia Perrault 12-3

... will undermine my intelligence because they might not perceive me as smart. So if I say, “This is the answer,” they'll respond, “No I don't think so” and ...