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Dan Mohler - Notes - EW 2019 - Session 4

3 - The mercy of the Lord - If you become merciful how can he stop your heart? ... Everybody is finding God as life unfolds. No, you've already found God ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Birth of Jesus

Every person, in the depths of his or her heart, is called to seek God: we all have that restlessness. Our work is not to snuff out that restlessness, but ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Seeking God

... heart to follow other gods, and his heart did not remain with the Lord, his God, as the heart of David his father did”. Solomon liked women. He had many ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 31 (2011)

I want to pray because I am in love with God and in covenant with God and my heart is bursting with faith because I see who He is - I see His nature, character, ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 44

... seek God through His word that you seek Him to know Him - period. No other ... God took them out of their marriages to get them healed in their heart.

Dan Mohler - Notes - Why this Web Site Got Started

So the prayer of my heart became two things: God, if it is possible, and if ... Dan taught me how to seek my Father in the secret place. All along God ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Session 13 (2017)

Maybe “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” has more to do with the heart of God than the power of God. ... seek God to meet all of our needs and not ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 20 (2011)

40:15 - You're responsible for your life lived - Not your intentions - God knows our heart - But your life lived is your heart. ... 224:00 - Don't seek identity ...

Lack of Prayer - #1 Cause of Fainting - Precious-Testimonies.com

... obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. Quench not the ... Through keeping the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart acceptable to God.

Serene Sunday

David wasn't a man after God's own heart because his life was perfect. It ... Do you seek Him early; do you acknowledge Him in your life with praise? I ...

Lack of Prayer - #1 Cause of Fainting - Precious-Testimonies.com

... obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. Quench not the ... Through keeping the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart acceptable to God.

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 22 (2011)

It works against what the Spirit of God wants to do in your heart. You are ... Be careful to ask a question with the right heart - that you seek to understand.

Pope Francis Homilies - Worship

... seek to base our security. They are idols that we sometimes keep well ... Worshipping God is precisely the heart of prayer. And love for neighbour ...

Our Agendas Crucify the Life of God in Us - Beliefs of the Heart

Aug 1, 2019 ... I thought, “Oh, I get it; if I seek God for himself, then church attendance will increase.” And something in my spirit felt God sigh. Just ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 22

... your heart to the Lord; - Eph. 5:18-19. Meditating, musing, singing. At some ... But now you want to go into prayer and meet with God and seek God and receive the ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Session 5 (2017)

... God - in your heart and in your knowing. That doesn't mean that I'm talking ... So you're seeking ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Selfish

When your heart is closed you cannot hear the voice of God. Instead, it was ... It is the one that drives us to seek God for our own use, to solve ...

Obedience…No Matter What? | The Millennial Star

Aug 20, 2021 ... ... our own prayers and direct seeking with God.” That second layer of ... hearts and seek to understand and love each other, across our different ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - EW 2019 - Session 2

Seek first the kingdom of God - not your wellbeing. How many Christians are ... Open your hearts to God and desire to be the light. You talk to Him ...

Dan Mohler - Notes

That LIFE is found as you seek God in the secret place... “… and I heard you [Dan] preach and I said [to God], 'God, I want that message in my heart.' And He [ ...