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New suite of human blood biomarkers can improve stroke diagnosis

Sep 25, 2020 ... Major strokes, minor strokes. The symptoms of a major stroke are readily apparent, often repeated in public service announcements as FAST--the ...

Simple test may help predict long-term outcome after stroke ...

Oct 17, 2018 ... ... stroke were taken into account. A limitation of the study was that most of the people involved had relatively mild strokes, so more research ...

US20170007167A1 - Systems and methods for stroke detection ...

... test using the stroke detection device. [0030]. In some embodiments, the ... mini-strokes.” [0062]. In some embodiments, the stroke detection device 20 ...

‪Megan A. Hird‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Is it safe to drive after acute mild stroke? A preliminary report. MA Hird, KA Vesely, LE Christie, MA Alves, J Pongmoragot, G Saposnik, ... Journal of the ...

Study shows MRI can help remove DOUBT when diagnosing minor ...

Sep 23, 2019 ... ... diagnose minor stroke and transient ischemic attacks (TIAs). The six ... A normal test means that the patient most likely has not suffered a ...

‪Tenelle Hodson‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

The lived experience of supporting people with mild stroke. T Hodson, L Gustafsson, P Cornwell. Scandinavian journal of occupational therapy 27 (3), 184-193, ...

‪Rikke Steen‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

2020. “Graded cycling test with talk test” is a reliable test to monitor cardiovascular fitness in patients with minor stroke. RS Krawcyk, A Vinther, NC ...

Dissociating spatial and spatiotemporal aspects of navigation ability ...

Comparing an individual's test score against norms derived from small samples. ... Is navigation ability a problem in mild stroke patients? Insights from self ...

Clinical Pearls in General Internal Medicine 2012

The Carnett maneuver is a test for abdom- inal wall pain that involves ... or minor stroke) indicate that his actual stroke risk is closer to 12% per ...

‪Trevor A. Low‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Test or rest? Computerized cognitive testing in the emergency department after pediatric mild traumatic brain injury does not delay symptom recovery. BL Brooks, ...

‪Dorothy Farrar Edwards‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

L Hunt, JC Morris, D Edwards, BS Wilson. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 41 (7), 747-753, 1993. 341, 1993. The impact of mild stroke on meaningful ...

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Reaching performance scale for stroke–Test‐retest reliability, measurement error, concurrent and discriminant validity ... mild chronic stroke. AA Mullick ...

US8108036B2 - Mesh network stroke monitoring appliance - Google ...

For example, a small lobar hemorrhage might cause only a mild headache ... To test for ischemic stroke or intracerebral or subarachnoid hemorrhage, the ...

US20180168499A1 - Diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury ...

Mild TBI patients were impaired in both phases of the Stroop test. While ... mild motor impairment after stroke: a preliminary investigation. Wang et al ...

‪Marco Pang‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Psychometric properties of the Mini-Balance Evaluation Systems Test (Mini-BESTest) in community-dwelling individuals with chronic stroke. CSL Tsang, LR Liao, ...

‪Charlie Winward‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

A population-based study of the prevalence of fatigue after transient ischemic attack and minor stroke C Winward, C Sackley, Z Metha, PM Rothwell

‪Suzanne Burns‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

2021. Cognitive assessment trends in home health care for adults with mild stroke ... test home version (MET–home) in adults with stroke. SP Burns, DR Dawson ...

‪Ryan T. Muir‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Trail making test elucidates neural substrates of specific poststroke executive dysfunctions ... Tenecteplase versus standard of care for minor ischaemic stroke ...

‪anna tsiakiri‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

... mild cognitive impairment - ‪stroke‬ - ‪rehabilitation‬ ... stroke: a comprehensive review on the trail making test in stroke studies. A ...