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Using “than” or “as” in a Comparison - ESL Radius

Elliptical Comparisons. In elliptical comparisons, where the writer has left some words out of a sentence, the case of the pronoun at the end of ...

Words | Technical Writing | Google for Developers

Aug 6, 2024 ... However, the utility of a pronoun sometimes outweighs its risk (as in this sentence). Consider the following pronoun guidelines: Only use a ...

prepositional phrases - How do 'within' and 'which' form a relative ...

Apr 17, 2021 ... Routines offer a structure within which to prepare for performance. I'm having trouble untangling the relative pronoun clause into a sentence of ...

Adjective Phrases - ESL Radius

An adjective phrase is any phrase which modifies a noun or pronoun. You often construct adjective phrases using participles or prepositions together with ...

Grade 3 & 6 - Pronouns

Be a builder with Floyd in this game that takes a look at possessive pronouns. In Sentence Builder: Pronouns, your first grader will choose the correct pronoun ...

Subjective (Subject) Personal Pronouns - ESL Radius

In the following sentences, each of the highlighted words is a subjective personal pronoun and acts as (replaces) the subject of the sentence: I was glad to ...

Help an overworked teacher change pronouns and names quickly ...

May 31, 2019 ... I'd need to make sure that if the sentence starts with "He/She", that the replacement pronoun is also capitalized (and vice versa, if the he/she ...

Indefinite Pronouns - ESL Radius

In this sentence, everything is the direct object of the verb sold. Although the police looked for clues, they found none. Again, the indefinite pronoun ...

KPP STEM DEPARTMENT - Negative sentences

The verb "to be" does change based on the sentence's pronoun but overall it is relatively easy. Finally. NEGATIVE + MODAL VERB (กริยาช่วย). Be very careful ...

Google Translate

Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

Keables Guide - c Sentence Patterns

Mx: mixed constructions. · Mx.Q: avoid shifts when you quote passages with personal pronouns. · Ch: choppy sentences. · Fl: flabby sentences. · GRAMMAR TIP: ...

Possessive Personal Pronouns - ESL Radius

Theirs will be delivered tomorrow. In this sentence, the possessive pronoun "theirs" is the subject of the sentence. Ours is the green one on the corner.

ESL Radius - Prepositions

A preposition links nouns, pronouns and phrases to other words in a sentence. The word or phrase that the preposition introduces is called the object of the ...

Reasoned Writing / A Framework For Scientific Papers - SPECIFIC ...

The most common and easy-to-spot use of ambiguous pronouns is as the subject of a sentence, where the pronoun appears as the first word of the sentence. Simply ...

ACT College and Career Readiness Standards—English

Use a word, phrase, or sentence to accomplish a straightforward purpose ... Correctly use reflexive pronouns, the possessive pronouns its and your, and ...

English pronouns in sentences - Apps on Google Play

Feb 11, 2025 ... Pronouns are a part of speech that indicates an object, person, sign, but does not name them. There are a large number of different types of ...

Grammar Central - Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns · I didn't have my pen so Megan lent me her pen. (Sounds repetitive) · I didn't have my pen, so Megan lent me hers.

Just enough grammar (optional) | Technical Writing | Google for ...

Sep 9, 2024 ... The second sentence replaces the noun Janet with the pronoun She. In the following example, the pronoun This replaces an entire sentence: Most ...

English Grammar: Pronouns – Applications sur Google Play

Master English Pronouns with Our Innovative App Are you finding it challenging to master English? Whether you're a teenager, an adult struggling with ...

Sentence Fragments - ESL Radius

Sentence fragments are groups of words masquerading as sentences. In reality, they aren't complete sentences at all. To be considered a sentence, ...