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US9808208B1 - Carpal tunnel infomatic monitor - Google Patents

One aspect of the present invention is a device for monitoring carpal tunnel syndrome (“CTS”). The device comprises a body configured to be worn by a user, ...

US7834851B1 - Computer mouse that prevents or treats carpal ...

... Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) for those who are repetitive users of computer mouse devices. The mouse is designed to leave the carpal tunnel of a user of the ...

US8672960B2 - Method and apparatus for endoscopic ligament ...

... cubital tunnel release, and tarsal tunnel release surgery, and similar surgical procedures on anatomic members. BACKGROUND. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs ...

US7942918B2 - Device for treating carpal tunnel syndrome - Google ...

The neural stent is in the form of a mesh which, when implanted in a patient, curls about the median nerve below the transverse carpal ligament to separate the ...

US5387222A - Carpal tunnel tome and carpal tunnel release surgery

Carpel tunnel syndrome is normally characterized by some combination of wrist pain, forearm aching, and/or pain, tingling and numbness in the thumb, index and ...

‪Dr.Heta Doshi‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

“A Prevalence and Electrophysiological Evaluation of Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Among Prolonged Mobile Phone Users of Collegiate” ... Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ...

‪Alan Hedge‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Four Symptomatic Radiologists. L Ruess, SC O'Connor, KH Cho, FH ...

US5507800A - Carpal tunnel tome and carpal tunnel release surgery

Carpel tunnel syndrome is normally characterized by some combination of wrist pain, forearm aching, and/or pain, tingling and numbness in the thumb, index and ...

‪Dhanny Widhata Mahardhika‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

The Effect of Particular Joint Exercise on Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome Disease. AJP Agusni Karma, Tri Riana Lestari, Dhanny Widhata ...

EP0988841A2 - Glove for preventing carpal tunnel syndrome ...

Thus, instead of the user wearing a glove including the pad mechanism of the present invention, the same pad mechanism is disposed on the machine grip and is ...

Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Adults with Carpal ...

Occupational Therapy Practice Guidelines for Adults with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ... Cubital carpal tunnel syndrome Cubital Tunnel develop direct one-on-one ...

‪Louis Christopher Grandizio‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

The management of persistent and recurrent cubital tunnel syndrome. LC Grandizio, S Maschke, PJ Evans. The Journal of Hand Surgery 43 (10), 933-940, 2018. 39 ...

Medical Problems of Performing Artists - Google Books

Accessible mode has the same ... abnormal assessment ballet Brandfonbrener carpal tunnel syndrome cellists Center cervical clinical creative cubital tunnel ...

‪Matthew J Best‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Trends in the surgical treatment of cubital tunnel syndrome: an analysis of the national survey of ambulatory surgery database. AM Soltani, MJ Best, CS Francis, ...

‪Micah Sinclair‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Long-term reoperation rate for cubital tunnel syndrome: subcutaneous transposition versus in situ decompression. DT Hutchinson, R Sullivan, MK Sinclair. Hand 16 ...

Medical Problems of Performing Artists - Google Books

Common terms and phrases. abnormal assessment ballet carpal tunnel syndrome cellists Center cervical clinical creative CRUZ The University cubital tunnel ...

US9113802B2 - Method of stimulating and recording from ulnar ...

Ulnar neuropathy of the elbow (Cubital tunnel syndrome). Entrapment of ... 2012 Effect of kinesio tape in the treatment of antenatal carpal tunnel syndrome.

‪Richard L.Hutchison‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Carpal tunnel syndrome: assessment of surgeon and patient preferences and priorities for decision-making. MGJS Hageman, A Kinaci, K Ju, TG Guitton, CS Mudgal, D ...

‪Erdem Bagatur‬ - ‪Google Akademik‬

The carpal tunnel syndrome is a bilateral disorder AE Bagatur, G Zorer The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery British Volume 83 (5), 655-658, 2001