> I am in the process of replacing the head gasket on my 1990 4Runner > with ... Definitely worth the money. I'll be ordering my headgasket kit, head ...
The old one was dirty. My $0.02 (and worth every penny). -Lee. Richard E ... replacing this gaskets on all Pickups / Sport Utility Vehicles. The extended ...
Head gasket set! No reason to replace them since they typically last over 200K miles unless you overheat the engine. The last time I had the timing belts ...
suffice, but if not sure, head gasket material certainly will. OTOH, I'd probably go w/ the RTV solution. A question, though...can you not pull the bearing( ...
Recently I took it in to fix the leak, and the mechanic screwed me by just fixing the head gasket, and not the other leak in the rear valve. ... Is it worth it ...
It eliminates the original intake manifold exhaust cross over. Next question: What is the best gasket to achieve a leak free seal in mounting that aluminum ...
The difference in performance between a stock 350 and a stock 318 in a big cruiser is not by itself worth the cost. ... options including replacing the head ...
gaskets damaged by trying to use the original head bolts over again. After setting a new head gasket, and installing the new Torque to. Yield head bolts, I ...
1) How can I tell if the valves are bent? 2) If the valves ARE bent, is the car worth fixing/replacing the ... leaking head gasket, but after talking to many car ...
Radiator Cap (silly as it sounds) Ruled Out! YOU, MY FRIEND, HAVE A CRACKED PISTON: Well, you would think that If I were going to replace the head gasket I
cylinder head problem due to faulty head bolts? I have a 1997 EL Falcon that has just done 100,000km and blown the head gasket. The mechanic that is fixing it ...
Usually genuine gaskets are far better quality than pattern. I once changed a head gasket on a montego (one burnt valve) it ran ... genuine gasket to replace the ...
>Also did you replace the head bolts when you did the gasket. Ford and most >repairers will recommend that you do replace them. It it worth lifting the
Jan 15, 2021 ... So I'm wondering would the head gasket seal need replacing and might this cause this particular problem? Or might my grinder be suddenly not ...
At such low mileage, I think it is worth pushing for a "good will" repair from ... nothing to do with the head gasket, and I don't see how a leaking head
Jun 24, 2021 ... ... replace the head gasket. Will using a thicker oil help? If so what ... worth $2000, so the $2500 transmission replacement was not worth it.