About 1,855,751 results (4,781 milliseconds)

Stamp Identifier - Stamp Value - Apps on Google Play

Use advanced AI image recognition technology to provide detailed information and value of stamps (at US, Australia, Canada, UK, India, China, France, Italy, ...

Stamp Identifier - Apps on Google Play

NOTE! Our app will quickly recognize ALL WORLD STAMPS ONLY IF you follow the instructions presented in it: fully crop the background and ensure image ...

StampID: Identify Stamp Value - Apps on Google Play

Are you a stamp collector or simply desire to comprehend extra about a stamp you see? Stamp Identifier uses superior photograph focus technological know-how ...

Stamp Identifier Stamp Value - Apps on Google Play

Feb 5, 2025 ... Capture a picture to accurately identify any type of stamp with detailed numismatic specifications, supported countries, pricing details, ...

StampSnap: AI Stamp Identifier - Apps on Google Play

Take a picture to identify any Stamp type accurately with numismatic specifications, countries supported, pricing details and history info.

Stamp Identifier - Stamp Value - Apps on Google Play

Are you a stamp collector who finds interesting and rare stamps on a regular basis? Do you collect unique stamps from different countries?

Stamp Identifier And Value – Apps on Google Play

Feb 5, 2025 ... "Capture a picture to stamp scanner accurately identify any type of stamp with detailed numismatic specifications, supported countries, ...

CoinSnap - Coin Identifier - Apps on Google Play

With 300,000+ coin types covered and 99% recognition accuracy, CoinSnap makes identifying and valuing coins effortless. Ever wondered if that old coin in ...

StampID: Identify Stamp Value – Apps on Google Play

Are you a stamp collector or simply desire to comprehend extra about a stamp you see? Stamp Identifier uses superior photograph focus technological know-how ...

Stamp Scanner, Find Rare Stamp - Apps on Google Play

App Stamp Identifier is a mobile application that helps users identify international postage stamps. The app allows the user to take a photo of a stamp, ...

Stamp Scanner Stamp Collecting – Apps on Google Play

Feb 5, 2025 ... "Capture a picture to stamp scanner app accurately identify any type of stamp with detailed numismatic specifications, supported countries, ...

NoteSnap - Banknote Identifier - Apps on Google Play

NoteSnap is a perfect app for banknote collectors. With the help of cutting-edge AI-driven technology, NoteSnap allows you to effortlessly identify and ...

Collectibles.com: Scan + Value – Apps on Google Play

KNOW THE VALUE OF YOUR COLLECTIBLES, better organize what you collect, and share your passion with others on Collectibles.com! With just a few taps, ...

Coin Identifier - Coin Value - Apps on Google Play

Take a picture to identify any coin type accurately with numismatic specifications, countries supported, pricing details and history info.

World Stamps - Apps on Google Play

World Stamps app provides a comprehensive catalog of world stamps. Browse and and see details about any stamp, courtesy of colnect.com, a social network for ...

Coinoscope: Coin identifier - Apps on Google Play

Nov 14, 2024 ... Coinoscope: Identify & Value Coins with a Snap Identify Coins by Image Coinoscope transforms your device into a coin expert, bridging the ...

Coin Identifier: Coin Value - Apps on Google Play

Quickly identify coins & stamps, learn their value, and save your collection. Are you a coin collector who finds interesting and rare coins on a regular ...

Letters to the Editor (Feb. 6, 2018) - Numismatic News

Jan 19, 2018 ... Stamp collections, in mint condition, in nice folders, even new and unused still good for mailing, now sell for less than half their face value.

Old Stamps

> collectors.) Is there a law that prevents Royal Mail putting an expiry date on stamps, or selling them by value rather than by class as they ...