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Rafe or Ralph?? (Vaughn Williams

Hence the pronunciation "Rafe" for those who want the association of their name with its Norse origin, and "Ralf" for those who prefer a more modern association ...

Please help with English pronunciation survey

>But by what logic does one pronounce Ralph as Rafe? > >Probably by a similar sort of logic whereby "calm" is pronounced as >"caam". Or "ll" in French is ...

Episode 01 - Carrington - Poly-ish Movie Reviews

... (pronounced "Rafe") (the new lover) in ... Frances seeks to find a compromise of her new life with Ralph and his existing life with Carrington and Lytton.

Vaughan Williams pronunciation

: does it persist? "Rafe" is the common pronunciation of Ralph in Britain, I think. Two points of support: (1) The tenor in HMS Pinafore ...

I'm the One That I Want - Margaret Cho - Google Books

Apr 30, 2002 ... Margaret Cho was born in 1968 and raised in San Francisco. She currently lives in Los Angeles with her dog, Ralph (pronounced Rafe, as in ...

Pronunciation Guide

What about Ralph (Rafe) Rackstraw in HMS Pinafore, then? Have a look at http ... Ralph pronunciation-wise, in the same way as Ralphy is pronounced, in

Song and Laughter - Arthur Guiterman - Google Books

... Rafe painted their bodies Passion Pershing Poilu queer Ralph pronounced Rafe Saint Scrabbled Sergeant whispered Skeptical Eye smile song sorry SOUR ...

A Chaucer pronunciation question

Jan 15, 2006 ... ... name, Ralph, is pronounced "Rafe" with a long 'a'. I was beginning to assume a Hebrew connection to the inflection. "Alan Hope" <not.al ...

How do you pronounce "Nietzsche", "Proust", "Kant", & other difficult ...

similarly for Ralph vs. Rafe Vaughan Williams. All the others have normal English pronunciations that imitate as closely as English phonology allows the native ...

Pronunciation of 'de Bohun'

Jul 8, 2005 ... Second son of Humphrey "The Surety" de Bohun. Ralph (pronounced "Rafe" was born in England in the 1200's a.d..

Alexander McCall Smith

>Because his name was Ralph Vaughan Williams. Ralph (pronounced "Rafe") >was his Christian name, Vaughan Williams (no hyphen) was his surname. > >But ...

How do you pronounce Motian?

people who know Tchicai, that his name is pronounced CHEE-kye. People ... pronunciation of the name of actor Ralph Fiennes (that's "Rafe Fines" to us ...


Btw, how do I have to pronounce your name, Raoul Parekh? ... say the <kh> part in English. Today I have learnt that Ralph Fiennes is pronounced like "Rafe Fains"

Biggest Narcissist in Films - Ralph Fiennes?

Feb 4, 1998 ... fat. also, isnt "ralph" Fiennes pronounced RAFE (rhymes with 'rake'), and how is it spelled? Is this pronounciation common or ...

Most pretentious pronunciation of name

Same way that Ralph Vaughan Williams pronounced it. John. John Smith's ... "Rafe" is the Brit way of pronouncing Ralph. RE: Composer Ralph (Rafe) von

Mr. Chilton's English - Shakespeare Home Page

Rafe Esquith: · Ralph Waldo Emerson: · Reflection · Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King ... An interesting video with various big-name stars, explaining why Shakespeare ...

Mr. Chilton's English - Shakespeare: Links and Resources

Rafe Esquith: · Ralph Waldo Emerson: · Reflection · Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King ... An interesting video with various big-name stars, explaining why Shakespeare ...

Gif pronounciation

at Ralph Fines... it's "Rafe" not the usual "Ralf" or Tony Dorsett... same goes for GIF, if the creators decided it's JIF, so be it. You'd name and pronounce ...

PG Wodehouse and Pratchett, a comparison

Like "Rafe" for "Ralph", I suppose. -- Michael Gilbert: in his own write. "If ... > pronounced a very sound judgment. > > A., an ale-wife in Forfar, had ...

Bulk Fiction Archive - Fake IDs 2

'Wait, what happened to Charlton, what the fuck is….' Karim went silent. You might say he paled a little, well quite significantly really, his dark African ...