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‪Laura Desimone‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

What makes professional development effective? Results from a national sample of teachers. MS Garet, AC Porter, L Desimone, BF Birman, KS Yoon. American ...

Evaluator Support Information - Educator Effectiveness

This document explains the processes for developing Professional Growth Plans for all licensed staff, Structured Growth Plans for those educators needing ...

EBR ECCN - Teacher Resources

Effective Teacher-Child Interactions · Sharing Negative Feedback with Teachers · What Makes Professional Development Effective · TIKES Tulane Early Childhood ...

‪Linda Darling-Hammond‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Effective teacher professional development. L Darling-Hammond, ME Hyler, M Gardner. Learning policy institute, 2017. 6673, 2017. Professional learning in the ...

#KYDLC - Why Coaching?

... teachers' technology integration goals, resulting in more effective professional development outcomes. ... Develop teacher competencies on resource/tool ...

Professional Development Handbook | Google for Education

Educators can use our certifications to validate different levels of mastery and expertise. COMMUNITY: Effective PD doesn't happen in a single sitting. With ...

Windward Academy for CTE - Math Corner

Each of our mathematics professional development will focus on one or more of these effective teaching practices. Through our research based professional ...

New ISSL - Standard 6: Professional Capacity of School Personnel

Effective Teacher Professional Development (Brief). Effective Teacher Professional Development (Full Report). IPDM Workbook · Visible Learning Meta. Additional ...

Instructional Coaching - ROE 20

... professional development and individual coaching sessions that focus on deepening teachers' content knowledge and pedagogical skills. Support Curriculum ...

‪Rosanne Zwart‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

What makes Teacher professional development effective?: A Literature Review. K Van Veen, R Zwart, J Meirink. Teacher learning that matters, 3-21, 2012. 382 ...

‪Kwang Suk Yoon‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

What makes professional development effective? Results from a national sample of teachers. MS Garet, AC Porter, L Desimone, BF Birman, KS Yoon. American ...

Idaho Region 2 Math Teacher Resources - PD

This page curates a list of PD resources for educators in PreK-12. If you would like a PD facilitator at no cost to you in an Idaho region II school, ...

OKCPS Professional Development

Igniting a passion for growth in all educators and leaders by cultivating an effective, reflective, and collaborative professional learning community to ...

C3WP - What is C3WP?

C3WP is an intensive professional development program that provides teachers with instructional resources and formative assessment tools for the teaching of ...

‪Justin J. West‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Journal of Music Teacher Education 28 (2), 98-111, 2019. 55, 2019. Is music teacher professional development becoming more effective? Evaluating practice and ...

GUSD Induction Accreditation Site - Professional Growth ...

The GUSD Teacher Induction Program provides a framework for effective teaching practice based on the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and ...

Raising Our Voices in Support of the National Writing Project (Opinion)

Mar 19, 2011 ... ... successful professional development initiative for the past three decades. ... effective, incredible classroom teachers are NWP teacher ...


Arp ISD will assist educators by promoting meaningful and ongoing professional growth through effective teaching strategies that will engage learners.