About 1,153,956 results (5,538 milliseconds)

Starting a sentence with "Wonder if ..." - Google Answers

Jul 15, 2004 ... Subject: Re: Starting a sentence with "Wonder if ..." From: burfart13-ga on 15 Jul 2004 18:37 PDT. Though not grammatically correct ... they may, ...

Appearing the same sentences many times! - Google Translate ...

Mar 1, 2021 ... Also, many sentences are not grammatically correct. I suggest Google add a better database of words and phrases. It seems like they don't ...

Present participle in sentences like "workers using" - English ...

Oct 25, 2021 ... I was wondering whether these sentences are grammatically correct and whether they mean the same thing. There are no workers who are using ...

Feedback Cycles in Machine Learning/Machine Translation

bits to get them in the right order and grammatically correct would be much ... I often wonder where the heck they get them. Also, great caution is ...

The number of search results is missing. How can I fix this? - Google ...

Sep 30, 2020 ... Having the same problem. Very annoying. @Jason King. If you're not sure if a phrase or a part of a sentence is grammatically correct, ...

OT: How to punctuate this sentence

advocate Dan's using quotes; but they're correct here.) On 7/30/2015 9:20 PM, Judy Madnick wrote: > I would say, "What makes me me?" comparing it to "What ...

Belief in God cuts two ways, study finds | ScienceDaily

Oct 30, 2011 ... They were asked to form grammatically correct sentences using four words from sets of five. Some students were provided either God or God ...

grammar, syntax and, semantics

"this is a book") would qualify as a grammatical error, but not as a syntactic error. The position and use of the indefinite article are correct, but the form ...

Using neural machine translation to correct grammatical faux pas in ...

Nov 21, 2019 ... Essentially each suggestion is treated like a translation task--in this case, translating from the language of 'incorrect grammar' to the ...


They are grammatically correct. You may not like the style, but you have a choice when the adjective has two syllables. Sebastian Hew's profile photo ...

English grammar - Google Answers

Sep 22, 2005 ... "Either lit or lighted" is acceptable and completely grammatically correct. Either may be used as the past tense and past participle of the verb to light.

Description [description] - Manufacturer Center Help

Describe only the product itself. · Use professional and grammatically correct language. · Don't use words from foreign languages, unless they're well understood ...

Accounts receivables and accounts payables

Sep 17, 2014 ... ... they also pluralize the ending words like accounts receivableS and accounts payableS. Is it grammatically correct? Thank you. Peter Duncanson ...

"Show grammar suggestions" (aka red squiggly lines) doesn't exist ...

Feb 11, 2020 ... 01% of cells would contain a complete, grammatically correct sentence, with capitalization, punctuation, subjects and verbs. If you'd like ...

"And I" vs "And Me" - Proper Grammatical Usage - Google Answers

Aug 17, 2006 ... The first is correct, because the foreshortened caption is short for "This is Thomas and __ at the Panic! at the Disco concert". 'I' is used as ...

US20090192787A1 - Grammer checker - Google Patents

It is a particular feature of this set of logical grammatical rules (technical constraints) that they always provide grammatically correct connections between ...

OT: Bushes, Bush's, or Bushs

This is popping up in blog after blog and dozens of news stories, but. I'm having trouble pinning down the correct grammatical form. I asked