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Smart Life - Smart Living - Apps on Google Play

Smart Life is an app designed for the control and management of smart devices. This easy-to-use app helps you get smart devices interconnected and brings ...

SuryaJyoti Life Insurance Ltd. - Apps on Google Play

SuryaJyoti Life emerged through Nepal's first and historic merger between two successful life insurers, Surya Life Insurance Co. Ltd. and Jyoti Life ...

‪Mike Adams‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Reinsurance and corporate taxation in the United Kingdom life insurance industry. M Adams, P Hardwick, H Zou. Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (1), 101-115, 2008.

‪P. Praba Devi‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

A study on organizational commitment of employees in life insurance companies. P Prabadevi Global Management Review 9 (1), 2014

Peter Hieber - Publications

Full list of publications. For a description of research projects ... ; Hieber, P.: Optimal Asset Allocation in Life Insurance: The Impact of Regulation.

Contact Us

Jeffrey P. Rude | Insurance Commissioner | (307) 777-7401. Tana Howard ... JoAnne DeBella| Life & Annuity Insurance Standards Consultant | (307) 777-7336.

‪Alexander Bohnert‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

A Bohnert, N Gatzert, RE Hoyt, P Lechner ... The Impact of Risk Classification in Life Insurance: An Analysis of Underwriting Risk, Underwriting Costs, and ...

‪Anna Rita Bacinello‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Pricing life insurance contracts with early exercise features. AR Bacinello, E Biffis, P Millossovich. Journal of computational and applied mathematics 233 (1), ...

PhonePe UPI, Payment, Recharge – Apps on Google Play

5 days ago ... PhonePe is a payments app that allows you to use BHIM UPI, your credit card & debit card or wallet to recharge your mobile phone, pay all your utility bills ...

‪J. Thomas Connelly‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Board characteristics and firm performance: Evidence from the life insurance industry in Thailand. JT Connelly, P Limpaphayom. Chulalongkorn Journal of ...

Peter Hieber - Research interests

Valuation in Finance and Insurance ;; ·; Gnameho, K.; Hieber, P.: Valuation of hybrid financial and actuarial products in life insurance by a novel 3-step ...

‪PANKAJ BIHANI‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Image of Life Insurance Services-An Expectation-Experience Gap Analysis (Customer Communication Dimension). P Bihani. Asian Journal of Research in Business ...

Peng Shi's Homepage - Research Papers

(2023) Non-life insurance risk classification using categorical embedding, North American Actuarial Journal, 27 (3), pp. 579-601. Gao, L., Shi, P. (2022) ...

‪Dr. Pooja Chatley‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

LIFE INSURANCE GROWTH IN INDIA: THE BANCASSURANCE ROUTE. P CHATLEY. S o u t h A s i a n J o u r n a l o f M a r k e t i n g & M a n a g e m e n …, 2012. 4, 2012.

Toca Boca World - Apps on Google Play

Toca Boca World is a game with endless possibilities, where you can tell stories and decorate a whole world and fill it with characters you collect and ...