About 1,956,694 results (1,491 milliseconds)

Google Sheets function list - Google Docs Editors Help

You can change the language of Google Sheets functions between English and 21 other languages.

About Google Ads certifications - Google Ads Help

Ads certifications are professional accreditations that Google offers to individuals who demonstrate proficiency in basic and advanced aspects of Google ...

Translating text (Advanced) | Cloud Translation | Google Cloud

You can also install client libraries for common programming languages to help you make calls to the API. For more information, see the Setup page. Comparing ...

List of 5000 Advanced English Words: Most Used Tough English ...

May 1, 2014 ... sound knowledge of Basic English, you are supposed to know meanings of hundreds of common words in English. Now, it is time to enhance your ...

Set up rules for advanced email content filtering - Google ...

Content compliance rules are based on predefined sets of words, phrases, text patterns, or numerical patterns. You can set up a simple match, advanced matches, ...

WordUp | AI Vocabulary Builder - Apps on Google Play

The world's first AI-based English vocabulary builder app. If you are serious about your English, you will fall in love with WordUp.

Advanced English Dictionary - Apps on Google Play

Offline English to English Dictionary is one of its kind, with features ranging from Advance English Dictionary, Voice Translation, English Idioms, English ...

Google Scholar

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, ...

Vocabulary Builder - Test Prep - Apps on Google Play

Over 5 MILLION students have used Magoosh to improve their GRE vocab! ☆ Build your vocabulary with Magoosh's free GRE vocabulary game for your Android ...

Vocabulary - Learn words daily - Apps on Google Play

Ready to elevate your word power? The key to successfully expanding your vocabulary is learning new words in a way that stimulates your attention.

List of 5000 Advanced English Words: Most Used Tough English ...

There are thousands of words in English language. To learn meanings of all these words is really difficult. If you have sound knowledge of Basic English, ...

Creating and using glossaries (Advanced) | Cloud Translation ...

You might use a glossary for the following use cases: Product names: For example, "Google Home" must translate to "Google Home". Ambiguous words: For example, ...

Google Patents Advanced Search

Search specific patents by importing a CSV or list of patent publication or application numbers. ... Note: wildcards only work on English words. The wildcards are ...

‎What Gemini Apps can do and other frequently asked questions

The language models learn by “reading” trillions of words that help them ... Want to know more? Get to know the tech behind Gemini through this essential reading ...

English Vocabulary Advanced - Apps on Google Play

Learn English vocabulary words by category as mentioned below. - Phrasal Verbs - Use of the most frequently used English phrasal verbs

Advanced Gmail filters for work or school - Google Workspace ...

Apply a label to promotional and other types of email and skip sending them to the inbox. Has the words: category:promotion. category:social. category:update.

Refine searches in Gmail - Android - Gmail Help

Use the number to say how many words apart the words can be. Add quotes to ... list: Find emails from a mailing list. list:[email protected]. filename ...

Cloud Translation - Advanced details | Google Cloud

You can also use glossaries to prevent words, such as borrowed words or product names, from being translated. ... Migrate to Advanced from Basic. If already ...

Machine Learning Glossary | Google for Developers

... list of possible completion words. Perplexity, P, for this task is ... Preprocessing could be as simple as removing words from an English text ...

Cloud Translation | Google Cloud

... language model (LLMs). It comes in Basic and Advanced editions. Both provide fast and dynamic translation, but Advanced offers customization features, such ...