About 1,448,444 results (2,114 milliseconds)

reCAPTCHA word filtering

We do filtering, and are working on the list of bad words. Coming up with a broad list of words -- for example including "reich" is extremely hard.

Objectionable Word List

Attached is a list of around 450 offensive words. I built this list based on a few lists I found online. I have no idea what some of the words mean.

Vulgar language policy - YouTube Help

For example, the title of a song with a curse word or a song that contains large amounts of profanity. Remember that giving context in the content, title, and ...

Tone and community guidelines

I would add to your list: 4. No profanity or cuss/curse/swear words. This is a professional forum and users should behave accordingly. Igal Sapir. Lucee Core ...

I'm trying to locate rules governing profanity in content and even ...

Oct 15, 2021 ... I would have more concern with my children saying or hearing "shit". Lastly, is there a comprehensive document that lists all words of concern ...

List of words that contain "bad words," e.g. "assume". - Google Answers

Apr 30, 2003 ... For instance, there are a total of 11 words similar to "Cushite", if you get my drift. Note, though, that although some proper nouns will be ...

Control message delivery based on message content - Google ...

Only complete words are supported when the rule is applied to messages. For example, if you add bad to the custom word list, a message with the word badminton ...


badwords.txt, List of filter words (bad words) bad words filter, Jun 26, 2010 ...

Both of my websites don't show up on Google, while Bing ...

May 3, 2021 ... ga is a free domain? Is it because it contains a list of vulgar words in the JavaScript source (those words are used to implement a language ...

Offensive words still censored - Google Pixel Community

Apr 22, 2020 ... Offensive words still censored. Ok guys and gals... For some bloody reason, my profanity filter is engaged for voice to text when I obviously ...

Best practices for your store listing - Play Console Help

Make sure your title is unique, accessible, and avoid common terms. Your app title must be 30 characters or less. Avoid profane or vulgar language. Make your ...

I've Crossed A Line -- Warning: Rated X for Expletives - SleuthSayers

Jan 22, 2019 ... And yet there's one big curse word missing from the list. One word ... curse words in my fiction. The word is ... Cunt. There I said it ...

Learn about comment settings - YouTube Help

Blocked words. You can add a list of words and phrases that you don't want to show in comments to your blocked words lists. Comments containing or closely ...

Moderate text | Cloud Natural Language API | Google Cloud

Text moderation analyzes a document against a list of safety attributes ... Obscene or vulgar language such as cursing. Death, Harm & Tragedy, Human ...

Why are my YouTube comments disappearing? - YouTube Community

Mar 6, 2021 ... ... names in the financial sector might be a trigger for very good ... When I say "bad words" YouTube decides that I'm a terrorist and ...

Telugu Slang Expressions : Please add your expressions to the list

I got to know about a slang word from Vizag through my vizag roommates. Bucketing -> Meaning trying to impress a girl through talk. Arun.. TeluguGuy's ...

Canonical List of International Swearing

yelling at me, I know how to respond in kind. Please help me to expand my list by sending: language swear word - english translation - phonetics for ...

Operational Definitions

... vulgar, impolite, and/or insulting connotation. Use of swear words/foul language toward another individual, interrupting, name calling, talking back/arguing.

Prohibited & restricted content - Maps User Contributed Content ...

We do allow content that contains alternative names for a ... We do allow inoffensive uses of words that may be considered profanity in other contexts.