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US11020369B2 - Treating iron deficiency with ferric carboxymaltose ...

Patients with ID or IDA undergoing surgery have poor outcomes—in part due to greater risk of blood transfusions. Maternal iron deficiency is associated with ...

‪Bernd Froessler‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Clinical Professor, Acute Care Medicine, University of Adelaide - ‪‪Cited by 1713‬‬ - ‪Patient Blood Management‬ - ‪Iron deficiency‬ - ‪Maternal and Child‬ ...

‪Ayesha Junaid‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

... low molecular weight iron dextran in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy ... The prevalence of transfusion transmitted infections among blood ...

Anemia in Adults: A Contemporary Approach to Diagnosis

Immediate transfusion reaction. Delayed transfusion ... ously low during pregnancy, in elderly patients, and in patients with low white blood cell counts.

‪anuja bhalerao‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Blood transfusion in Obstetrics and Gynaecology: A retrospective analysis. K ... Iron supplementation in antenatal women with Iron deficiency Anemia … P ...

‪Mrityunjay Metgud‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Retrospective analysis of all patients undergoing blood transfusion ... Safety of daily low-dose aspirin use during pregnancy in low-income and middle-income ...

‪Chong Soon Eu‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Blood transfusion services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic ... Iron Dextran for Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

US20180036228A1 - Dosing regimens for treating metal-mediated ...

The iron overload is severely exacerbated in the subset of patients who require blood transfusion as a treatment for the anemia. The average unit of packed RBCs ...

US11633489B2 - Iron carbohydrate complex for treatment of iron ...

During pregnancy the demand for iron in both the mother and fetus increases, and iron deficiency anemia is most common late in pregnancy. In a study from USA, ...

‪Amal Mohamed‬ - ‫الباحث العلمي من Google‬

Effect of nutritional educational guideline among pregnant women with iron deficiency anemia at rural area in Kalyobia governorate‏ ... blood transfusion and self ...

WO2016196274A1 - Compositions and methods for treatment of ...

Anticipated need for blood transfusion during the study. 4. Known hypersensitivity reaction to any component of iron. carboxymaltose. 5. Current ...

WO2021257532A1 - Alk2 inhibitors for the treatment of anemia ...

The anemia can be iron-refractory iron deficiency anemia (IRIDA). The subject can be either transfusion-dependent or not transfusion-dependent. Also provided ...

US11118229B2 - Single tube multiplex PCR method for the ...

Splenomegaly can make anemia worse and reduce the life of transfused red blood cells. ... blood transfusion, iron chelation therapy, or folic acid. 12. A method ...

US5951996A - Treatment of chronic diffuse GI bleeding with ...

During the 6 months preceding the initiation of erythropoietin, 20 units of packed red blood cells (PRBC) were transfused. Two colonoscopies revealed diffused ...

US7759306B2 - Methods of treating acute blood loss - Google Patents

... blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin is low. Severe anemia is ... blood volume during surgery are given conventional blood transfusion. Both ...

WO2020089227A1 - Treating iron deficiency with ferric ...

Patients with ID or IDA undergoing surgery have poor outcomes - in part due to greater risk of blood transfusions. Maternal iron deficiency is associated with ...

US20070154569A1 - Use of nitrite salts for the treatment of ...

Repeated forearm exercise during continued L-NMMA infusion increased blood flow, but to a significantly lower peak value compared with exercise alone (P<0.001).