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WO2021123832A1 - Devices and methods for isolating tumor ...

In particular, the relative side-by-side positions of the foot assemblies 134 and 136 can be seen, which are spaced and have a collective area viewed in ...

US7992261B2 - Reel based closure system - Google Patents

... foot in tension even when the knot is released. Consequently, the user ... side of the wearer's foot between the ankle and the toes. A blade 31 (shown ...

Buddhist Art of Silla — Google Arts & Culture

The standing statue is built with childlike proportions, a cherubic face ... The Bodhisattva's left foot rests on a lotus flower that extends from the ...

CN101091767B - Plaster of anti-inflammation, dissolving lumps, and ...

... foot, the blade surface horny layer of pruning, adhesive plaster protection on every side, 2-3 day is changed subsides, comes off to the tip that it is long ...

Man United's frantic transfer chase - Sancho, Dembele, Ocampos in ...

Oct 2, 2020 ... The 26-year-old Argentina international appears well-suited to the physical nature of the Premier League, standing at 6-foot ... side's favour.

US7926203B2 - Dance footwear - Google Patents

... foot covering is standing in a demi position. ... Therefore, more support and traction are desirable on the medial side of the foot versus the lateral side of the ...

US3781172A - Process for the manufacture of microcrystalline fused ...

... foot of the abrasive and, (2) a stronger abrasive as indicated by the ... This lump cast mulled abrasive was then evaluated, side by side with ingot ...

US8381362B2 - Reel based closure system - Google Patents

... foot in tension even when the knot is released. Consequently, the user ... side of the wearer's foot between the ankle and the toes. A blade 31 (shown ...

CN202174382U - Foot roller tool for continuous casting crystallizer ...

... standing plates vertical to the bottom plate are arranged on the bottom ... Two lateral surfaces and the dual-side face of said riser form through ...

US20140255363A1 - Targeting the tumor microenvironment using ...

In keeping with long-standing patent law convention, the words “a” and “an ... inside the tumor tissues. CCL20 expression is induced in monocytic cells ...

US20030120183A1 - Assistive clothing - Google Patents

One sensor on each side of the foot just behind the toes aimed at a relative ... When in a standing position, the weight would be felt on the feet, not ...

Hematoma / Haematoma ... - Dr. Skand Kumar's Ortho Clinic

Calf Stretch Stand with your hands flat against a wall. Place one foot in front of the other with your toes pointing forwards. Lunge forwards, bending the front ...

CN1132870A - Literal symbol coding method - Google Patents

... left side left-falling stroke ") as far as possible: 1. " center line ... standing grain, insect without feet or legs, Si (. Figure A9510070000054.

US7918808B2 - Assistive clothing - Google Patents

One sensor on each side of the foot just behind the toes aimed at a relative ... When in a standing position, the weight would be felt on the feet, not ...

EP3463019A1 - Kitchen appliance and apparatus therefor - Google ...

Preferably, the load sensor is fastened to only one foot, and more preferably by means only of the means for preventing lateral deformation of the load cell. In ...

US20120150077A1 - Intraneural Facilitation - Google Patents

While a facilitation hold is applied to the left leg of the patient 110 by the therapist 110 using straps if needed to pull and hold the patient's left foot ...

CN104083548A - Traditional Chinese medicinal composition for ...

The history of Chinese medicine ovarian cyst is of long standing and ... foot swelling and pain in knee, flaccidity are soft unable.Control dampness ...

WO2006093838A2 - Compositions and methods of making ...

... left standing. Thixotropic behavior is observed when long-chain molecules ... lumps). Next, in block 502, a colorant is added, e.g., red opatint dye ...

CN104367938A - Medicine for treating varicocele and preparation ...

Check: fall ill in left side, can touch a Lumbricus shape lump in scrotum, when putting down sleeping, lump disappears.After taking a course for the treatment ...

NFL Week 10: What we learned from Sunday's games

Nov 15, 2020 ... Washington was down 24-3 midway through the third quarter and seemingly out on its feet as the Lions were in full control on both sides of the ...