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Missing Figure Cross Reference

numbered items. Any recommendations on how to have the existing reference list of figures to ... worth the effort. -- Stefan Blom Microsoft Word MVP. "Von ...

Insert list of figures does not work for "Picture"

I haven't found anything about this problem on any of the Word knowledge databases so far. ... Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to. John McGhie, Microsoft ...

Using only part of a figure caption in list of figures/list of tables

Dec 8, 2008 ... Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to. John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac Sydney, Australia. mailto:[email protected].

Missing Caption Number

displays the underlying field codes for all fields (tables of contents, tables of figures, cross-references, hyperlinks, etc.) --. Stefan Blom Microsoft Word ...

How to create list of figures with captions, but using the title only

Oct 15, 2008 ... Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to. John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac Nhulunbuy, NT, Australia. mailto:[email protected].

How do I get my Table Titles and Figure Titles to have auto ...

Aug 10, 2020 ... So how can I get my tables and figures titles to have nice, normal-looking auto-numbering, as one would find in most common word processing ...

TOC with no entries

I would like to modify the TOC field for the last two tables in order to show a message like "No figures in this document" if the TOC has no entries.

Suddenly captions and other text in document map and TOC

Everything worked as expected. Until now... Suddenly all kind of extra entries show up in the document map such as captions of figures, and tables, but ...

TOC page numbers bold

I have Headings 1 and 2 included in my table of contents. I have modified the TOC 1 and TOC 2 styles to be bold for TOC 1 and NOT bold for TOC 2.

References & Table of Figures - Google Docs Editors Community

Mar 29, 2020 ... I'm writing a document which involves lots of tables and figures, however, there does not seem to be any way to create a table of figures or insert references ...

Figure Numbering sequence skips a number

Oct 19, 2000 ... 18 and no matter what I do 16 will not come up. The captions ... Cheers. In microsoft.public.word.numbering on Mon, 23 Oct 2000 08:42 ...

Can't cross-reference a figure caption

If that's not working right, you can deselect "float over text" in the ... These flaws in Microsoft Word deserve ridicule, not acceptance. There is ...

Images not showing up/displaying on Google Docs *FIXED ...

Jan 26, 2020 ... All uploaded images are showing up white. Images still show up in thumbnail image when selecting which file to open.

Outline Numbering - more than 9 heading levels?

It numbers Figures (or Tables or whatever) as Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 ... Word's captioning isn't magic: it just uses SEQ fields. Look up Word's ...

Table of Contents shows Wrong Page Numbers - Google Docs ...

Aug 31, 2021 ... When I use the headings to create a table of contents, about 1/3 of the entries show the wrong page number. ... (It's not EVERY heading, mind you.) ...

side by side text and table/figures - How?

with the tables, not the outline. I've used images before and ... Wrapping > Square. -- Regards, Jay Freedman Microsoft Word MVP FAQ: http://word.mvps.org

Can't modify table style - font in table of contents window

I have no idea why the Leader is not showing on the preview screen, even when ... to the Table of Contents gallery. -- Stefan Blom Microsoft Word MVP. "mimijel ...

Figure Captions in Text Boxes / Table of Figures

I'm using Word 2003 at work. I have sequentially numbered figure captions (created using Insert > Reference > Caption, so they're auto-numbered). Many

How to add captions to images - Google Docs Editors Community

Sep 12, 2019 ... This is available in word, but I can't figure out how to do it in googledocs. Thanks, Tarryn.

I am having trouble copy and pasting a table from Word into a ...

Sep 14, 2020 ... docx document and going to File > Save as Google Docs. A new document in Docs format will open in a new tab. Again, the table may not work the ...