About 1,474,211 results (2,652 milliseconds)

MongoDB user and database setup, is there a better way?

salt-ssh <host> mongodb.user_list <mongo username> <mongo password> localhost 27017 admin. which results in the following error. command SON([('$eval', Code(' ...

Example needed for how to set up the oplog observer with ...

MONGO_OPLOG_URL=mongodb://oplogger:PASSWORD@MONGOHOST/local?authSource=admin MONGO_URL="mongodb://readUser:PASSWORD@MONGOHOST/DBNAME" meteor run. But meteor ...

User can't connect from command line?

Apr 26, 2016 ... 5 set up on Ubuntu 14.04. I have authentication turned on. I can ... mongo admin -u admin -p password --authenticationDatabase admin. I ...

Mongo "auth fails" using bitnami meanstack

I suspect there is a simple solution, such as adding a user to mongo. keystone must be looking for a user other than "root". I assumed that the bson warning was ...

mongodb_user state issue: only works on 2nd run

> this stage? > > I get the same error result if I specify a blank "user"/"password", or > ... mongodb][ERROR ] Error connecting to database admin. And in case ...

cannot get admin Role to work in loopback-example-passport with ...

May 22, 2015 ... I am having trouble setting up an admin Role within the loopback-example-passport project with mongodb. I've set up a simple model, added ...

Mongodb Authentication - cannot connect to mongod shards

mongo server:27017/admin --username <user> -p <password>. When I attempt to connect to a mongod instance (running on port 27001), I use the following command:.

Unable to sign in to our dashboard today

Apr 30, 2021 ... All fail to allow login to the dashboard. Says username and password are not correct. User is configured in MongoDB, has worked well for months, and was stored ...

Security approach for running Opal as a Docker container

... setting a password for Rock. I notice that there are no environment variables in Opal for a MongoDB username and password. Is this because the container ...

included mongo imagestream doesn't set up user

* MongoDB Connection Password=<generated passwd 1> # generated. * MongoDB Database Name=teamdb. * MongoDB Admin Password=<generated passwd 2> # generated. * ...

MongoDB (version 2) | Integration Connectors | Google Cloud

Configure authentication. Enter the details based on the authentication you want to use. Username and password. Username: Username for connector ...

Error in Launching MongoDB Charts due to StitchMongoDBService

... setting up the StitchMongoDBService: invalid username/password". in the chain but the root caused seemed to be different based on the logs. ✓ parsedArgs.

MongoDB Spark connector SSL connection problems

Jul 28, 2017 ... I want to authenticate through the admin database with username Gandalf and password Hv@cint006; I want to access the Value collection in the ...

Reset password user Mongodb create

Nov 13, 2015 ... How change password user administrator created for application unify. I found one link [1], but I couldn't change password this user. My ...

Create user in mongodb with ansible playbook

Oct 31, 2016 ... - name: Add the admin user to the replicaset mongodb_user: database=admin name=admin password={{ mongo_admin_pass }} login_port ...

fail in authenticating mongo (as localhost)

I use the latest mongo, and try to set the SuperUserAdmin as described in the Mongo Doc. ... $ mongo localhost/admin -u admin -p password --eval "printjson(db.

Debezium Docker compose file mongo replia set unreachable ...

... mongodb.MongoSecurityException: Exception authenticating MongoCredential{mechanism=null, userName='genomics_user', source='admin', password=<hidden> ...

Error getting data into BI client using the MongoDB Connector for BI

the password I entered is the one intends for biuser, right? and I didn't set up any other user like root or admin during mongodb installation. The password ...

Re: [mongodb-user] Changing user passwords in Mongo 2.4

... (username, password) {. $ mongo localhost/admin --eval "db.addUser({ user:'theadmin', pwd:'thepassword', roles:['clusterAdmin', 'userAdminAnyDatabase ...

MongoDB service doesn't starting because I've changed auth.schema.

mongo use admin var schema = db.system.version.findOne({"_id" : "authSchema ... The system collections is for MongoDB internal use only, and changing ...