About 1,939,114 results (5,087 milliseconds)

Google Translate

Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages ... Spanish. French.

Pirate Central - Multilingual Supports

Most Common Scaffolds. Scaffolding with WIDA in Mind. ML Central. Instructional ... Spanish Phrases for Talking to Students. Spanish Phrases for Talking to ...

Learn Spanish Vocabulary Words - Apps on Google Play

Learn 3500 Spanish nouns, adjectives, articles and verbs to enrich your vocabulary. Memorize most common Spanish words. Listen pronunciation of the words.

SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and ...

Aug 3, 2017 ... ECNU's top ranking entry performs slightly better on Arabic-English than Arabic, with a slight drop from Spanish to. Spanish-English (SNLI). 6.6 ...

Unsupervised Translation Sense Clustering

Figure 5: BCubed Fβ plot for the Spanish-English dataset (top) and Japanese-English dataset (bottom). Source word: ayudar. Monolingual. [[aid], [assist, help]].

3000 Most Common German Words - Apps on Google Play

3000 words are all you need to easily express yourself and have everyday conversations in a language. This app has all the most common German ones, ...

Cross-Lingual Discriminative Learning of Sequence Models with ...

Figure 1: An English (top) – Spanish (bottom) phrase pair from our parallel data. ... From Table 2, it is clear that the most common errors for the baseline ...

Learn Spanish - 11,000 Words - Apps on Google Play

Learn Spanish from 61 native languages, for free & offline, with FunEasyLearn. Learn to READ WRITE ✍ and SPEAK Spanish

Multi-Sentence Compression: Finding Shortest Paths in Word Graphs

nique of expressing content common to most of the input sentences in a single sentence (Barzi- lay & McKeown, 2005). However, since then the technique has ...

A Systematic Comparison of Phrase Table Pruning Techniques

Jul 12, 2012 ... The most basic pruning methods rely on probabil- ity and count cutoffs. We will cover the techniques that are implemented in the Moses ...

Multi-Source Transfer of Delexicalized Dependency Parsers

two words on the buffer and of the top word on the stack; the ... (68.5%) and Spanish (64.8%) on sentences of length. 15 and less inclusive of punctuation.

Source-Side Classifier Preordering for Machine Translation

We train separate classifiers for every number of involved words, and restrict each one to the K = 20 most frequent outcomes. ... in Spanish, their order is ...

625 Most Common Words in Spanish - Effortless Conversations ...

625 Most Common Words in Spanish - Effortless Conversations. Sheet1. A, B. 1. English, Spanish. 2. dog, perro. 3. cat, gato. 4. fish, pescado. 5. bird, pájaro.

Learn Spanish - 5,000 Phrases - Apps on Google Play

Play, Learn and Speak – discover common phrases for daily Spanish conversation! ✓ 5,000 useful phrases for conversation. ✓ Learn Spanish in your tongue (60 ...

Spanish English Translator - Apps on Google Play

This free app is able to translate words and texts from english to spanish, and from spanish to english. - very useful app for easy and fast translations, ...

Multilingual Metaphor Processing: Experiments with Semi ...

it appropriate for the selection of a dataset of most common source and target concepts ... This resulted in 72 seed expressions for Spanish and 85 seed ...

Spanish - English Translator - Apps on Google Play

Unlock the power of language with our state-of-the-art Spanish-English and English-Spanish translator! Whether you're a student, traveler, or professional, ...

English Spanish AI Translator - Apps on Google Play

English Spanish AI Translator Language dictionary translator, talk Spanish & English. Translate text and voice English Spanish AI Translator is a ...

iTranslate Translator - Apps on Google Play

iTranslate Translator is a language translator app for text, voice, conversations, camera and photos. You can easily translate into over 100 languages by ...

Microsoft Translator - Apps on Google Play

Microsoft Translator is a free, personal translation app for more than 70 languages, to translate text, voice, conversations, camera photos and screenshots.