About 1,169,460 results (2,572 milliseconds)

cmd/link: duplicate symbol reference pow on Windows · Issue #8756 ...

Sep 16, 2014 ... Create a program that uses math.h / pow function in two separate packages. ... multiple-definition"" hello.go ... "C:\\Go\\pkg\\tool\\ ...

My little carma suicide: essay on why removing multiple stats in D4 ...

Nov 5, 2019 ... ... numbers without thinking what exactly these numbers mean. Ironically, this actually makes game less complex for them, hiding the matters of ...

[cython-users] Multiple definitions of the init function ?

... multiple definition of `initmyModule' build/temp.linux-i686-2.6/src/MyFile2 ... def run_forward(np.ndarray[double, ndim=3, mode="c"] input not None ...

Provide Multiple Implementations for Macros

Provide Multiple Implementations for Macros. 36 views ... You can use \def, \newcommand, \renewcommand, etc. within math mode at any point in your document.

Custom feeder and multiple scenaro

override def hasNext = true override def next: Map[String, String] = { Map("emei" -> scala.math.abs(java.util.UUID.randomUUID.getMostSignificantBits).toString ...

Optimizing multiple objectives | AI Platform Vizier | Google Cloud

Next, define some functions to evaluate the two objective metrics. See ... import math # r * sin(theta) def Metric1Evaluation(r, theta): """Evaluate ...

Rendering multiple polygons links them together

... using glVertex2f in a loop to draw a circle. class Snowflake(object): def __init__(self, x, y, radius, d, batch): self.x = x self.y = y self.r = radius self ...

Transcribe audio with multiple channels | Cloud Speech-to-Text ...

This page describes how to use Speech-to-Text to transcribe audio files that include more than one channel.

ARRAYFORMULA - Google Docs Editors Help

array_formula - A range, mathematical expression using one cell range or multiple ranges of the same size, or a function that returns a result greater than one ...

About keyword matching options - Google Ads Help

Therefore, you get the same benefits of multiple match types in one broad match type without needing to repeat keywords. ... meaning of your keywords. This ...

About bid adjustments - Google Ads Help

Here's the math: Starting bid: $1 USD. Mobile adjustment: $1 USD + ($1 ... Multiple bid adjustments. When you set more than one bid adjustment in your ...

Create & use named functions - Google Docs Editors Help

Right-click the cell with a formula. · Click View more cell actions and then Define named function.

Workflow for counting cells with multiple fluorophores and puncta

Dec 13, 2017 ... You could also multiple the "Cell: Channel X mean" by the "Cell ... putMeasurement() to create a "background adjusted mean." The actual math ...

Traveling Salesperson Problem | OR-Tools | Google for Developers

Aug 28, 2024 ... However, in general the costs can involve other factors as well. You can also define multiple arc cost evaluators that depend on which vehicle ...

Query syntax | BigQuery | Google Cloud

For these ARRAY element types, SELECT * against the value table column returns multiple columns: STRUCT. Input values: array_expression : An expression that ...

Counterpoint Global Insights - Total Shareholder Return

Oct 24, 2023 ... Mauboussin, “What Does an EV/EBITDA Multiple Mean?” BlueMountain Investment Research,. September 13, 2018. 32 Frank J. Fabozzi, Sergio M ...

Scripting: accessing annotations from several different images

Jul 3, 2018 ... There was a whole discussion where someone was using multiple viewers in a project. ... def randomViewer = viewers[(int)(Math.random()*viewers.

VRP Planning over multiple days

... def print_solution(data, manager, routing, assignment): > """Prints ... the math (add the last dimension value plus travel time plus service time) you ...

Classification: ROC and AUC | Machine Learning | Google for ...

Oct 9, 2024 ... Learn how to interpret an ROC curve and its AUC value to evaluate a binary classification model over all possible classification thresholds.

Computations using Images | Google Earth Engine | Google for ...

Oct 6, 2023 ... multiply(Math.PI).sin() code. By chaining multiple methods like this ... get('elevation'); print('Mean elevation', mean);. There are ...