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Calling BS on Facebook's Edict That Writing Is Dead

Facebook is predicting the end of the written word. But is that responsible? Or even true?

Meinhardt Greeff - Music Diary

He had no piano or trumpet or drums but he did have a guitar. After an hour or so I say "I need a drummer." "I'll buy some." He says. We need a singer too ...

Self Confidence - AVC

Sep 18, 2019 ... ... printer on folds after folds of large format printer paper. I took ... drum roll that is punctuated by a bass drum's single ending beat.

Used office style photocopier for home office. Good or Stupid idea?

Jul 25, 2020 ... I have had brother laser printers for the past decade. First a series of Mono printers, upgrading each time we got to the end of the drum.

Campfire | Can the Wealthy Have A Separate Peace ... - The Oil Drum

... quickly end up on the wrong side of the change vectors. Most people will ... My guess is that pretty soon Raul is going to have a hell of a job on his ...

DaBarnStudio - Music from the Tandy/Radio Shack Color Computer ...

... my Coco. Needless to say, my wife soon learned the term "Computer Widow". Still using the Orchestra 90cc I started messing around with a program I had typed ...

Bill Evans' death

drums. In 1977 Gomez wanted new challenges and consequently left Evans. Shortly after Zigmond also left the group which created a new crisis in Evans ...

Interface Builder Tool

> I wrote a quick article about this on my blog to try to drum up some support ... TaskBarIcon? >> > I double sure. I also tried to terminate the thread as soon ...

Jeff Rubin: Oil and the End of Globalization - ASPO ... - The Oil Drum

My second educated guess, is that, as soon as they are widely available, Calgary will go to hybrid buses, which will bring the energy consumption per pax ...

Traductor de Google

El servicio de Google, que se ofrece sin coste económico, traduce al instante palabras, frases y páginas web a más de 100 idiomas.

Resolution 6x7 cm vs. 4x5 inch

> normal people)? > > Kerry. If a print grabs my eye, I move up about as close as possible. ... High-end drum scanning for advertising or publishing used to mean ...

Dedicated AC power...worth it??

Mar 27, 2003 ... believers say when they switch to a new expensive cable/interconnect, hence my skepticism. There is no black magic in what sets the residual ...

Jeff Rubin: Oil and the End of Globalization - ASPO ... - The Oil Drum

My second educated guess, is that, as soon as they are widely available, Calgary will go to hybrid buses, which will bring the energy consumption per pax ...

Age/Location, etc.

Zildjians topside. I've got to say RMMP has quickened my interest in drums and drumming. I've learned much I did not know (though I ...

Thinking of adding a CNC

The cheaper machines will quickly show you their limitations and you'll eventually end up shelling out more money on upgrading the rails etc. My thinking is, ...

THURSDAY IHN - Stella Dimoko Korkus.com

Oct 15, 2020 ... ... my 3 year old niece has gone to school and others are going too. Covid will not end soon but we all can protect ourselves but with Gods help.

Dynamic Range and DPI the BIG LIE!

dpi (advertised for 5600 dpi) and a Dmax of 3.7 (advertised for 4.1). Its price is $16,950. In scanners there is no free lunch. With the drum scanner prices ...

Dennis Meadows - Economics and Limits to Growth ... - The Oil Drum

It's too soon to say what the population growth rate will be in 2060 -- or ... And shock of shocks - the site does not find iTunes on my machine. A ...

Storm of the Century (anyone else not like ending?)

it's my 3-year-old son Jason he's flying off with. It's terrible! I've never been so deeply affected on a subconscious level by a King story. When Mike Anderson ...

[Harp-L] What first attracted you to harmonica? Why did you learn to ...

My musical tastes grew more sophisticated over time and I spent my late twenties and early thirties going to a ton of jazz and blues performances. I was at the ...