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Speech-to-Text supported languages | Cloud Speech-to-Text ...

Macedonian (North Macedonia), mk-MK, command_and_search, False ... Marathi (India), mr-IN, command_and_search, False, ✓, ✓. Marathi (India), mr-IN ...

Hindi Compass 2023 - Apps on Google Play

May 15, 2023 ... Hindi Compass 2023 is Pocket Compass in regional language. Features :- * Very Small App * After Installation No Need Inter Net Offline Also ...

Dailyhunt Xpresso News Cricket - Apps on Google Play

New Feature: Introducing Xpresso news & videos on Dailyhunt. News that matters in time that matters. Xpresso's available in Hindi & English, coming soon to ...

Where you can use the Gemini web app - Gemini Apps Help

Marathi; Norwegian; Polish; Portuguese; Romanian; Russian; Serbian; Slovak ... North Macedonia; Northern Mariana Islands; Norway; Oman; Pakistan; Palau; Palestine ...

Search by latitude and longitude in Google Maps - Android - Google ...

To search for a place on Google Maps, enter the latitude and longitude GPS coordinates. You can also find the coordinates of the places that you previously ...

Perfect Compass (with weather) – Apps on Google Play

Discover the power of the compass app - the ultimate navigation companion. With this free offline compass, you will always find the right course no matter ...

My BSNL Tunes - Apps on Google Play

Nov 21, 2023 ... Let your callers listen Trending songs, name tunes and profile tunes, My BSNL Tunes lets you search, browse and set your favorite song for ...

Latitude Longitude - Apps on Google Play

Latitude and Longitude app for android allows you to get or share map coordinates of your current location. You can share gps coordinates in many ways using ...

Pawar Surname - Wikipedia

In the north region of Punjab found in the Jatt or Rajput or Gujjar caste. ... Kuldeep Pawar, One of most popular Indian actor in the Marathi-language film ...

Malayalam Compass - Apps on Google Play

Compass is one type of direction indicator. It is used for indicate the directions-East, West, North and South. We knows the directions but compass is used ...

Speech-to-Text V2 supported languages

Marathi (India), mr-IN, chirp, ✓. asia-southeast1, Mongolian (Mongolia), mn-MN, chirp, ✓. asia-southeast1, Nepali (Nepal), ne-NP, chirp, ✓. asia-southeast1 ...

Portuguese-based languages — Google Arts & Culture

The Portuguese-based pidgin and Creole varieties that probably formed in the 16th century in Brazil, especially in the Northeast, did not survive, in contact ...

3PO - Apps on Google Play

3PO is a first-of-a-kind app that can auto-identify the language being spoken and translate to another spoken language in one step using LLM technology.

Blue-eyed Brahmins: Who are they?

the Konkan region. Also, there are some hill tribes with *clear* blue eyes ... |> people like us in Marathi is Ghaare-Gore (green eyed and light

Areal and Phylogenetic Features for Multilingual Speech Synthesis

guage, region, speaker and gender-specific identifying codes. This choice of ... Marathi (Indo-Aryan language) and Serbian (Slavic) are. “held-out ...

the accidental - prime minister

of the availability of domestic supply in the North-East. However, environmental groups had been blocking uranium mining in that region. With no domestic ...

English to Marathi Dictionary - Apps on Google Play

English to Marathi Dictionary' Free Offline is a mobile dictionary app designed to help Marathi speakers learn and improve their English language skills.

THE WAR AGAINST HINDUISM Written by Stephen Knapp

made to propagate Hinduism by forceful means in the Northeast." In this ... and the north-eastern region. The Adivasis, though aspiring for recognition ...

Advanced English Dictionary - Apps on Google Play

Offline English to English Dictionary is one of its kind, with features ranging from Advance English Dictionary, Voice Translation, English Idioms, ...

Aurangzeb , the temple PATRON??????????

Aug 18, 1997 ... Maratha history comes from various Indian(Marathi and non-Marathi) ... from a love of ones region and identity , it means un-parallel .The