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WO2015144654A1 - Radiotherapy board and couch - Google Patents

... breast patients and one for right-tailed breast ... As explained, breast boards use the structural strength of the couch blade or imaging table underneath.

US9993036B2 - Post-surgical garment - Google Patents

In use, the wearer places a right arm through the opening under strap 102 ... breast-movement-and-breast-pain/; Dec. 2009; 5 pgs. * Cited by examiner ...

EP3122256A1 - Radiotherapy board and couch - Google Patents

... blade for left- or right-sided breast cancer, respectively. The half couch blade at the non-treated side supports the cranial part of the board. This would ...

US20170143048A1 - Counterbalance system for women's bras ...

... breast weight load at the front of the body leading to chronic pain. ... These shoulder pads 200 may be positioned under the apparatus 100 straps 130, under ...

WO2022015986A1 - Methods for treating metastatic cancer using ...

[008] Additionally or alternatively, in some embodiments, the subject is diagnosed with or is suffering from breast ... pain, shortness of breath, wheezing ...

CN104010635A - A pain relief composition, comprising a trpv1 ...

... pain under doctor's supervision. Because capsaicin has the insensitive ... below the right and left shoulders shoulder blade at experimenter back.This ...

US20080311217A1 - Topicial composition for treating pain - Google ...

The 51 year old male presented with osteoarthritis bilaterally of knees and a torn right rotator cuff and frozen shoulder. The pain level was 10/10 in left knee ...

US2500187A - Harness for draft animals - Google Patents

The large shoulder bones near the skin, unprotected by deep cushions of muscles, rub the skin against the collar, producing friction, chafing, galling, sore ...

US9511016B2 - Topical composition for treating pain - Google Patents

The 51 year old male presented with osteoarthritis bilaterally of knees and a torn right rotator cuff and frozen shoulder. The pain level was 10/10 in left knee ...

US20100198607A1 - Method for optimization of bra fit and style for ...

... shoulder stiffness and pain caused by mistakenly relying on the straps for support. ... Compression-based minimizers flatten a woman's breast against her torso ...

EP3209120A1 - Dog harness - Google Patents

... breast strap (3), which is arranged above the breast of the dog (1a), preferably at the level of the shoulder blades and below the larynx of the dog (1a), the ...

US6203796B1 - Oregano-based therapeutic composition - Google ...

... pain in the neck and shoulder area of the body. In this case, the ... right shoulder. After this initial treatment, the subject was able to move ...

US20130296756A1 - Posture retaining back brace, backpack ...

... shoulder blades flat on the back. This imbalance of muscle tensions ... 3 , the strap ends of the cap over the right shoulder are denoted as 22 and ...

US20100228171A1 - Therapeutic compression garment - Google ...

... breast 34, and, an undesirable, insufficient pressure in area 36 around the breast, and/or upon the rib cage 38 below the breast. Finally, while closure 26 ...

Te Ika a Maui: or, New Zealand and its inhabitants. Illustrating the ...

... right breast, and came out a little below his shoulder-blade, close to the spine. This terminated...‎. Appears in 14 books from 1839-1861 · Page 424 - Aweto ...

WO2022133268A1 - Breastmilk pumping and feeding systems and ...

In addition, many mothers report problems with pain, such as chapped, sore, and bleeding nipples. ... Breastmilk storage container 30 may be positioned below or ...

US20160309808A1 - Apparatus, system, and method for reducing ...

The base 6C provides support for the left and right shoulder. The reinforcements extend upward and serve as the trapezius supports. The pads behind the head ...

CN1177270C - Chinese-character digital shear model and encode ...

Characteristics according to stroke orientation and digital code in the vision mode are optimized for 6 right-falling strokes 7 of 2: 4 mouthful of 5 folding of ...

WO2010128087A2 - Uses of immunoconjugates targeting cd138 ...

Some other breast cancers that fall under the term "mammary carcinoma ... under the right shoulder in 100 μl. Tumor volumes reached about 80 mm 3 at ...

US7089615B1 - Ergonomic wedge pillow - Google Patents

... shoulder blade. The pillow may be used by a person lying on their side ... 8 , user 60 positions right arm 68 beneath bottom portion 26 to gather front ...