About 1,724,835 results (1,068 milliseconds)

JP2012519212A - R-baclofen prodrug sustained release oral ...

Moderate drug side effects include reactions that are troublesome and painful or intolerable for individuals experiencing them, such as skin rashes, ...

JP2014121188A - Control method of organization by hellen needle ...

... pain with about a thousand needles in their chest after breathing. Compared ... Let's say “feeling good” in any positive thoughts, no matter how hard it is.

US7896893B2 - Methods and devices for tissue reconfiguration ...

In a method of treating GERD used where there is not a sufficient flap of tissue, either because an existing flap is too small or because there is no flap ...

Holy Hell: A Memoir of Faith, Devotion, and Pure Madness

I couldn't believe my ears and struggled not to laugh too hard. I didn't want to ruffle Nealu's feathers, especially after he had been so kind to buy my ...

Text classification with BERT: tokenizers.ipynb - Colab

Collecting transformers[sentencepiece] Downloading transformers-4.18.0-py3-none-any.whl (4.0 MB) |································| 4.0 MB 8.1 MB/s ...

US20100204540A1 - Method and apparatus for environmental ...

There is no other inappropriate matter but forest leaf mold that looks like a lump ... from a small sized transmitter put in the pocket of the subject was made.

Science World Database - Google Drive

First, they make an ear-shaped wire frame, next they seed the frame with ... Feeling no Pain? 0.5, Small patch w/ 400+ short microneedles painlessly ...

Fake News Detection Model (ٍContent+Sentiment+Emotion).ipynb ...

# There are some instances where there is no space after '?' & ')', # So I ... pain... imgur.com, 9, 617, 0.96, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0. 4146, 4iun7i, XxxStringPeasxxX ...

Tibetan Vocabulary

TSHAN PHUG pierced iron decoration, also called lcags dkrol. LaRocca, Warriors 31. •TSHAN 'BYIN drag pos tsha 'dri byed pa. Btsan-lha. •TSHAB CHEN schwer, in ...

CA2539272C - Method and apparatus for environmental setting and ...

There is no other inappropriate matter but forest leaf mold that looks like a lump ... from a small sized transmitter put in the pocket of the subject was made.

(실습 9강) HuggingFace's Transformers 1 - Colab

... after': 2044, 'there': 2045, 'into': 2046, 'new': 2047, 'two': 2048, 'its': 2049, '##a': 2050, 'time': 2051, 'would': 2052, 'no ... behind': 2369, 'himself ...

Must See! Harold Covington engaging in some revolutionary ...

watches after they have not imperceptibly had a fair behind narrowing us ... We pierced after since they had no music we can socialize their bailing ...

Asianomads - List Group 12

The Nâyakas will not attend the funeral of a Kurumba; nor will they invite Kurumbas to the funeral of one of their own tribe. There is a marked variation in ...

Foods That Increase Brain Power

The cerebellum, or "little brain," is behind the brainstem and below the occipital lobe of the cerebrum in humans. Its purposes include the coordination of ...

Michael David Morrissey - English

æfter (OE) 'behind' (*apo-): AFTER, AFTER-. Cf. Du achter. G After. Norw ... æl (OE) 'small tool for piercing holes': AWL. Cf. G Ahle. Norw ale. ælc (1 ...

Tibetan Vocabulary

Meanwhile, a very valuable dictionary of unusual words (based on a considerable range of previous glossaries, but not dictionaries) has been published: Btsan- ...

Michael David Morrissey - Greek

G Delphin. délta (Gr), fourth letter of the Greek alphabet, also referring to something shaped like the letter: DELTA, DELTOID. G Delta.

Asianomads - List Group 3

The heron is looked upon as the emblem of the tribe, and may not be killed or molested on pain of expulsion from the caste. Dogs also are sacred. A Bauri will ...

I before E - Google Answers

Aug 10, 2006 ... e.g. those that a 12 year old would know. Clarification of Question by frodo2366-ga on 10 Aug 2006 19:53 PDT I'm not including "imported" words ...