Dec 15, 2018 ... is bad enough but she/it is always cutting me off while I am still talking to her/it if I say more then 1 short 6 word sentence she/it cuts ...
Halitosis, the medical term for bad breath or foetor ex ore (halitosis), is an undesirable condition. Bad breath results from the breakdown of mainly sulfur ...
In some embodiments, the oral care compositions as disclosed herein are used by humans. Halitosis is the technical term for bad breath or malodour. It is common ...
The phrase "an active ingredient capable of blocking adhesion of harmful bacteria to the oral cavity" includes the wording "one or more active ingredients ...
The iconic “End Bad Breath” poster, a response to the United States' bombing ... The offshoot Word It invited designers to visually interpret a word or phrase.
The present invention relates to a composition for preventing or treating oral diseases and a bad breath inhibiting composition containing Schizandra ...
The term "therapeutically effective amount" as used herein, includes within its meaning a non-toxic but sufficient amount of a bismuth salt or bismuth ...
A deodorant composition having an excellent effect of deodorizing bad breath, refrigerator odors, and odors from pets and domestic animals, and which does ...
The term halitosis has become a household word due to intensive commercial advertising. ... While the lungs contribute a small share to the problem of bad breath, ...
Feb 18, 2014 ... As Leah Reich so thoughtfully wrote in The Uncanny Valley of Earnestness: Criticism is not negativity. Criticism is not saying you're bad.
The phrase "inhibiting the growth of anaerobic bacteria sensitive to BLIS-producing S. salivarius" as used herein refers to the growth inhibition of at least ...
It could also include context explaining the types of precautions or training required to do the act safely and prevent injury. Saying, “Don't try this at home” ...
... phrase when generating synonyms. ... Further, a combination of cardamom seeds, menthol, coriander, essential oils, and chlorophylls has been used to prevent bad ...
Adjacent words that are implicitly ANDed together, such as (safety belt), are treated as a phrase when generating synonyms. ... bad breath. ZA733612B * 1972-10-11 ...
... bad breath wherein any of the above combinations are employed ... Adjacent words that are implicitly ANDed together, such as (safety belt), are treated as a ...
Halitosis is the technical term for bad ... Halitosis is primarily caused by certain anaerobic strains of bacteria (Rosemberg, M., Bad Breath: Research ...
May 27, 2020 ... I'm a professor for Pete's sake and I can't send messages of such Egregiously Bad composition. Please fix it. Get an upgraded version of ...
Adjacent words that are implicitly ANDed together, such as (safety belt), are treated as a phrase when generating synonyms. ... bad breath expelling function.
iTranslate Translator is a language translator app for text, voice, conversations, camera and photos. You can easily translate into over 100 languages by ...