About 1,414,252 results (3,005 milliseconds)

Place Details | Places API | Google for Developers

Use the fields parameter to specify a comma-separated list of place data types to return. For example: fields=formatted_address,name,geometry . Use a ...

Create a list of places - Android - Google Maps Help

On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app Maps . · Tap You Save place and then New list Plus . · Enter a name and description. · Select a list type ...

Create a list of places - Computer - Google Maps Help

Make a new list. On your computer, open Google Maps. Click Menu Menu and then Saved Save place . In the top right, click New list Plus . Enter a name and ...

When I save a location to a google maps list, the place name no ...

Jun 25, 2024 ... When I save a location to a google maps list, the place name no longer appears on the map view, so I just see a load of little icons to ...

Place Autocomplete | Maps JavaScript API | Google for Developers

For example, if the user enters 'pizza in new', the pick list may include the phrase 'pizza in New York, NY' as well as the names of various pizza outlets.

Saved Places List not showing - Google Maps Community

Jan 19, 2020 ... ... list - now the only way is to go into More Options (the three vertical dots) / Edit list / Add A Place - then type in the place name. It ...

Place Autocomplete | Places API | Google for Developers

A list of substrings that describe the location of the entered term in the ... Since your application requires Place Details such as the place name ...

Save favorite places - Android - Google Maps Help

At the bottom of the screen, tap the name or address of the place. Tap Save Save place and choose a list. Only you can find your saved places unless you create ...

I'd like to be able to reorder the places on my list, but I can't seem to ...

Aug 24, 2022 ... However, users can do so through the Android app. Users can change the order by a long press on two horizontal bars near the place name & drag ...

How do I notify Google about an incorrect city name for a large ...

Jun 8, 2021 ... For example the "Township of Langley" lists the official address of city hall as: 20338 - 65 Avenue Langley, British Columbia V2Y 3J1 Canada ( ...

How do I get the labels to show up instead of latitude longitude ...

Aug 22, 2020 ... Have you considered adding a label to the coordinates without starring it first? The list of Labeled places do show the label names.

Customising icons of saved places (in lists and MyMaps) - Google ...

May 25, 2019 ... The only way I know of is to try to be as descriptive as possible in the place's name, which is displayed as a label in text mode next to ...

Place Search | Places API | Google for Developers

You can search for places either by proximity or a text string. A Place Search returns a list of places along with summary information about each place; ...

Report data or content errors on Google Maps - Google Maps Help

Remove an incorrect or fraudulent listing. You can report businesses or the names of places for offensive, fake, spam, or inappropriate content. Tip: For ...

Cannot see names of saved places - Google Maps Community

Dec 19, 2023 ... Unfortunately, it's not currently possible to prevent Google Maps from hiding city names on custom lists when zoomed out. · However, there are a ...

How do I make a labeled pin's name show up on a list - Google ...

Apr 29, 2019 ... I have labeled some pins and they show the name of the labels when I have the "labeled tab" selected in "your places".

Place Details (New) | Places API | Google for Developers

Specify a comma-separated list of place data types to return. For ... The name field contains the place resource name in the form: places/ PLACE_ID .

Insert smart chips in your Google Sheets - Google Docs Editors Help

: Enter the calendar event name or related keywords. Place smart chip: Enter a place, address, or location. Finance smart chip: Enter the name of the Google ...

Nearby Search | Places API | Google for Developers

This must be a place name, address, or category of establishments. Any ... See the list of supported languages. Google often updates the ...

Find Place | Places API | Google for Developers

Use the fields parameter to specify a comma-separated list of place data types to return. For example: fields=formatted_address,name,geometry . Use a ...