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Plants from Cuttings - Native Hawaiian Garden (7722)

... cutting with an intact stem-tip will yield an immediately more attractive plant. Method One. I use a clear container to root cuttings when: (1) I have a ...

Native Hawaiian Garden (7722) - 'Ākulikuli

Growing from Cuttings: Root 'ākulikuli cuttings using either Method One (preferred) or Method Two. ... root the cuttings to make new plants (for all your friends) ...

US2270046A - Treatment of plant stem cuttings - Google Patents

... stem cuttings for initiating root formation and growth in the commercial propagation of plants. In very recent years the use of synthetic, organic, plant ...

US10966373B1 - Apparatus for automatic stem cutting for plant ...

In accordance with the present invention, plant propagation can be automated by use of a device that holds and moves a blade or sharpened feature to cut a stem ...

Enemies in the Garden - Native Hawaiian Garden (7722)

A root infestation can be difficult to detect. Use your finger to gently dig around the base of the plant to discover mealybugs attacking surface roots. Ants ...

US5584140A - Rooting method for vegetative plant propagation of ...

4, 1995, now pending. This invention relates to plant propagation and more particularly to a method for rooting cuttings of hard-to-root plants by use of stem ...

Pā'ū-o-Hi'iaka - Native Hawaiian Garden (7722)

... cutting's leaves and stems. (Using an insecticide is often too harsh and ... Deter snails and slugs by installing copper barriers around your plants, using snail ...

A friendly reminder from your resident plant lady - JONES DESIGN CO.

It brought me joy for far longer than cut flowers would have. So this ... I have a begonia stem cutting that I have had for like 3 years and it's kust ...

Pōhinahina - Native Hawaiian Garden (7722)

My favorite method is to use horizontal stem-cuttings because the resulting plant looks like a tiny forest of pōhinahina seedlings. If you wish to try ...

Overcoming the obstacle of rooting hoyas

all roots, cut a plant into multiple cuttings, and start over fresh. In ... root just about any kind of plant but the methods I use here seems to work ...

Hala pepe - Native Hawaiian Garden (7722)

Hala pepe bark, roots and leaves, mixed with other plant parts, were used medicinally for various ailments such as fever and asthma (Chun 1994). The soft wood ...

Naio - Native Hawaiian Garden (7722)

Plants from Cuttings · Enemies in the Garden · Where can I buy these plants ... Using either Method One (preferred) or Method Two, naio stem-tip cuttings ...

US10779487B2 - Plant propagation - Google Patents

... plants propagated using stem cuttings compared to the yields obtained using conventional production methods. the use of benzylaminopurine, TDZ and IAA is as ...

WO2013186558A1 - Plant propagation - Google Patents

the mini stem cuttings and mini rhizomes produced by the methods of the present invention may find use in bioremediation applications for cleaning up areas ...

Taking a cutting - botanicaldoctor.co.uk

Various plant parts can be used for propagation, including: Stem Cuttings: A piece of stem, including at least one leaf node, is buried in the soil to produce ...

Plants from Seed - Native Hawaiian Garden (7722)

You can use cuttings from many genetically distinct parent plants – if you have them. But, often you don't. You may have only a handful of parent plants to ...

Ko'oloa 'ula - Native Hawaiian Garden (7722)

Using either Method One or Two, the cuttings will root in 2-4 months. Growth in the Garden: Ko'oloa 'ula grows quickly, easily maturing in a year with a little ...

WO2012084702A1 - New broccoli plant and use thereof - Google ...

... plants BR51512, florets were obtained by severing the secondary stems. Short stem florets were obtained by cutting the secondary stems at the level just ...

My Philippine Garden - Bulacan - Various Plants

These trees have large leaves, grow ... In 2020 I started to cut the larger stems back one at a time and use the cutting to create new plants, which is easily ...

Bonamia - Native Hawaiian Garden (7722)

I have always used a rooting hormone (e.g., Dip'nGrow®) with B. menziesii cuttings, but other native plant enthusiasts have had success without it. In my own ...