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Story behind "That Same Old Obsession"?

relationship is painted as evil in this song--evil personified as a creature ... > | triangle, or maybe it's just about a person's need to be free.

Can someone ID this song for me?

used in old bugs bunny cartoons with the buzzard..... "my momma done told me - a buzzard is two faced..." I never knew it was a real song until I heard it ...

Songs of Protest and Peace

and all those evil people would have to meet their fates. So it was with some trepidation that I looked up to the skies, 'cause I was driving past Fort ...

spooky celtic songs

dead person is generally a bad thing, and that if your name is Sweet William, you *will* die by the end of of the song. --Patrick. PETER POOLE's profile photo ...


The song was recorded live anyhow, so it can't be bad. 02 Blue Fields -- I know many people hated the overworld music for FF8. Personally, I liked it ...

[Harp-L] Willie Dixon Controversy

I looked into this person, he does have the credentials to speak knowledgeably about this. ... they went on to write more than 30 more songs for him because of ...

CHOIR FROM THE TOP - Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around

Marching up to Freedomland. Ain't gonna let [insert evil person or thing] ... Like other civil rights songs, the words to this song aren't fixed. However ...

DARIUSH *** people who don't lioke him READ!

... music and his songs arn't bad, but his voice ruins them.... but again someone with a much much much better voice, Sattar, has a lot of eduaction in music too...

Mad the Swine Questions

> I have 2 questions about this song that someone may be > able to explain ... evil spirit to leave the man and enter a herd of swine belonging to a ...

Book Notes - R. Dean Johnson "Californium" - Largehearted Boy

Oct 13, 2017 ... Evil. Interpol. 03:35. 7. Dear Prudence. Siouxsie and the Banshees ... That, and this song reminds me of the character Treat, partly who he ...

[WP] The Evil Overlord infiltrates the hero's party as a new member ...

Nov 2, 2019 ... You have songs, and stories! ... What desire would make someone want to do all these evil things, even murder people, without feeling any remorse?

Aisha Falode Writes An Open Letter To ... - Stella Dimoko Korkus.com

Aug 15, 2014 ... Toba Falode aka Tyler Fray would have been alive today, breathing, laughing, writing songs about life and oppression, songs about people like ...

Book Notes - Sarah Schmidt "See What I Have ... - Largehearted Boy

Aug 7, 2017 ... largeheartedboy ; Song of Joy - 2011 Remastered Version. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. 06:46 ; Stagger Lee - 2011 Remastered Version. ENick Cave & ...

‎Become the Hunter - Album by Suicide Silence - Apple Music

Feb 14, 2020 ... To me, the song is about that evil creature that all of us can ... To me, the song is about this thing that people get caught up in: 'I ...

Wont play my library music - Google Assistant Community

Aug 31, 2018 ... ... playlist I created, and it plays some random person's thumbs up. I can only put a Single song in any routine, so that song gets old really ...

Newsboys Fakin It

songs and songs with more tracks than a limited number of people can play ... circulated around here telling me why homosexuals are evil and will die in the

Money - Pope Francis Homilies

How much do some people, some women, spend on makeup? This too is idolatry. It is not bad to wear makeup but in a normal way, not to become a goddess. Beauty ...

AOQ Review 6-6: "Once More, With Feeling"

That's part of the composition - and pretty damned good song writing too. It's not bad singing. It's eerie dischordant music to pain your heart. That's the ...

Top Ten Worst ELO Songs

... songs were someone else's awesome favorites, and I was right, except that I ... nails on a black board. "Face the Music" (minus Evil Woman and Strange Magic), and ...

People in a Box - My Manifesto

Feb 17, 2014 ... In the winter of 1984 I was writing songs for the Farrell & Farrell Jump To Conclusions album, which was released in '85.