About 1,158,028 results (5,171 milliseconds)

Special characters in track names a problem?

Feb 24, 2022 ... I've read warnings about using special characters, but I don't understand the exact rule about what characters may or may not be included in an album or track ...

What is the sort order for non-alphanumeric characters? - Google ...

Feb 13, 2022 ... need to do a deep clean. I want to arrange those folders at the top of the page without having to redo my whole name schema - just put them ...

Insert emojis & special characters - Computer - Google Docs Editors ...

For example, to find a list of cat-related emojis, enter :cat and press Enter. To disable emoji insertion through colon characters, go to Tools and then ...

What characters are illegal to include in job names?

Oct 14, 2013 ... I'd suggest as best practices to avoid anything that's not a standard alphabetic, numeric, or dash/underscore.

Custom Completion List?

Jan 17, 2022 ... I'm trying to make the process go as fast as possible, so I'm hoping to have autocomplete use a list of character names to make it go faster.

Specifying a schema | BigQuery | Google Cloud

Flexible column names don't support the following special characters: An exclamation mark ( ! ) as represented by the Unicode regular expression \u0021 . A ...

Best practices for your store listing - Play Console Help

Each text field contains a counter to help you stay within character limits. A full description allows for 4,000 characters. A short description should convey ...

Editorial - Advertising Policies Help

Editorial · Business name requirements · Capitalization · Image quality · Misuse of ad features · Phone number in ad text · Punctuation and symbols · Repetition · Style ...

Google Sheets function list - Google Docs Editors Help

Name, Syntax, Description. Array ... Learn more. Text, CHAR, CHAR(table_number), Convert a number into a character according to the current Unicode table.

URL Encoding | Google Maps Platform | Google for Developers

Some characters cannot be part of a URL (for example, the space) and some other characters have a special meaning in a URL. In HTML forms, the character ...

Symbols in Contacts sorted differently by Google Voice - Google ...

Feb 1, 2020 ... I have several contacts in my Contacts file with a "!" prefixed to their name so that they are sorted first. When I access the contact list ...

What does that little text message symbol mean right underneath the ...

Jul 17, 2023 ... What does that little text message symbol mean right underneath the contacts name..sometimes it's 2. I've went to my settings to try & fine ...

Function list - Looker Studio Help

Text. Narrow by ... Narrow by ... Aggregation; Arithmetic; Conditional; Date; Geo; Miscellaneous; Text. Type, Name, Description, Syntax. Aggregation, AVG ...

Insert smart chips in Google Docs - Google Docs Editors Help

To narrow your suggestions, select from the list of suggestions or enter letters, numbers, or symbols. Tip: To add a people smart chip, start typing the name ...

Logging query language | Google Cloud

":name":apple jsonPayload."foo.bar":apple jsonPayload."\"foo\"":apple. For the list of special characters, see the string section in Values and conversions.

Name guidelines for users and groups - Google Workspace Admin ...

First and last names support unicode/UTF-8 characters, with a maximum of 60 characters. Group names and descriptions. Use up to 73 characters for the names.

[GA4] Event collection limits - Analytics Help

For example, Analytics doesn't process the 26th user property nor does it process an event name with more than 40 characters. For detailed information about the ...

Product data specification - Google Merchant Center Help

Section name [section_name] : Max 140 characters; Attribute name ... characters, promotion text, or list keywords or search terms. Don't add ...

Lexical structure and syntax | BigQuery | Google Cloud

A GoogleSQL statement comprises a series of tokens. Tokens include identifiers, quoted identifiers, literals, keywords, operators, and special characters.

Metadata - Play Console Help

Your app title must be 30 characters or less. Don't use text or image in the app title, icon, or developer name that indicate store performance or ranking, ...