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‪Ezequiel Molina‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

T Bold, D Filmer, G Martin, E Molina, B Stacy, C Rockmore, J Svensson, ... Journal of Economic Perspectives 31 (4), 185-204, 2017.

‪Brian Stacy‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

T Bold, D Filmer, G Martin, E Molina, B Stacy, C Rockmore, J Svensson, ... Journal of Economic Perspectives 31 (4), 185-204, 2017.

Ezequiel Molina - Research

... Filmer, Gayle Martin, Brian Stacy, Christophe Rockmore, Jakob Svensson, and Waly Wane. ... The Lost Human Capital: Teacher Knowledge and Student Achievement in ...

Deon Filmer - Working Papers (by date)

Does it Matter?" with Tessa Bold, Gayle Martin, Ezequiel Molina, Brian Stacy, Christophe Rockmore, Jakob Svensson and Waly Wane. World Bank Policy Research ...

‪Deon Filmer‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

T Bold, D Filmer, G Martin, E Molina, B Stacy, C Rockmore, J Svensson, ... Journal of Economic Perspectives 31 (4), 185-204, 2017. 269, 2017. Health policy in ...

Brian Stacy - Research

"Enrollment without Learning: Teacher Effort, Knowledge, and Skill in Primary Schools in Africa" (with Tessa Bold, Deon Filmer, Gayle Martin, Ezequiel Molina, ...

‪Tessa Bold‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

T Bold, D Filmer, G Martin, E Molina, B Stacy, C Rockmore, J Svensson, ... Journal of Economic Perspectives 31 (4), 185-204, 2017.

Deon Filmer - Articles and Papers by topic

Does it Matter?" with Tessa Bold, Gayle Martin, Ezequiel Molina, Brian Stacy, Christophe Rockmore, Jakob Svensson and Waly Wane. World Bank Policy Research ...

‪Deon Filmer‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

T Bold, D Filmer, G Martin, E Molina, B Stacy, C Rockmore, J Svensson, ... Journal of Economic Perspectives 31 (4), 185-204, 2017. 277, 2017. Poverty, AIDS ...

Deon Filmer - Journal Articles (by date)

"Enrollment without Learning: Teacher Effort, Knowledge, and Skill in Primary Schools in Africa" with Tessa Bold, Gayle Martin, Ezequiel Molina, Brian Stacy, ...

Deon Filmer - Journal Articles (by date)

"Enrollment without Learning: Teacher Effort, Knowledge, and Skill in Primary Schools in Africa" with Tessa Bold, Gayle Martin, Ezequiel Molina, Brian Stacy, ...

Nymphomaniac: Volume I (Director's Cut) – Filmer på Google Play

Lars von Trier's bold, brilliant and controversial new film tells the story of Joe (played by Charlotte Gainsbourg & newcomer Stacy Martin), ...

Temný dom – Filmer på Google Play

Beth (Rebecca Hall) je otrasená náhlou smrťou manžela. Smútok zaháňa osamote v dome pri jazere, ktorý dal pre ňu postaviť. Snaží sa opäť začať žiť, ...

The Night House – Filmer på Google Play

Ancora sconvolta dall'improvvisa morte del marito, Beth (Rebecca Hall) resta sola nella casa sul lago che lui ha costruito per lei.

Segredo Obscuro – Filmer på Google Play

Ainda em choque com a morte inesperada do marido, Beth (Rebecca Hall) fica sozinha na casa que ele construiu para ela à beira de um lago.

The House at Night – Filmer på Google Play

Schwer getroffen vom unerwarteten Tod ihres Mannes bleibt Beth (Rebecca Hall) allein in dem Haus am See zurück, das er für sie gebaut hat.

La Proie d'une ombre – Filmer på Google Play

Beth (Rebecca Hall) est toujours sous le coup de la mort soudaine de son mari et vit seule dans la maison qu'il lui a bâtie au bord d'un lac.

‪Jakob Svensson‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

T Bold, D Filmer, G Martin, E Molina, B Stacy, C Rockmore, J Svensson, ... Journal of Economic Perspectives 31 (4), 185-204, 2017. 441*, 2017. Bribes ...

Children Of The Corn: 666 Isaac's Return – Filmer på Google Play

With riveting performances from stars John Franklin (Children Of The Corn, Addams Family Values) Stacy Keach (American History X) and Alix Koromzay (Carrie ...

Jurassic Piranha – Filmer på Google Play

Deep in a sealed lab, hidden away under the streets of New York City, scientists are bio-engineering a ferocious secret. Great white sharks bio-engineered ...