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Objectionable Word List

... sample word list that we can borrow from. ... I also ahve hope for setting up filters that have multiple conditions - like swear words + the phrase "kill" "ugly".

Google won't remove a fake review, from someone who is not my ...

Jan 29, 2023 ... Conflict of Interest: The reviewer is linked to the company or a competing business. Profanity: The review contains swear words, has sexually ...

Inappropriate content - Advertising Policies Help

Examples (non-exhaustive): Swear or curse words, slurs relating to race or sexuality, variations and misspellings of profane language. Note: If the official ...

How to have a review removed that is seen as harassment ...

Jan 26, 2023 ... Conflict of Interest: The reviewer is linked to the company or a competing business. Profanity: The review contains swear words, has sexually ...

Enable the profanity filter | Cloud Speech-to-Text Documentation ...

If enabled, Speech-to-Text will attempt to detect profane words and return only the first letter followed by asterisks in the transcript (for example, f***). If ...


Feb 21, 2023 ... Conflict of Interest: The reviewer is linked to the company or a competing business. Profanity: The review contains swear words, has sexually ...

Enable the profanity filter | Cloud Speech-to-Text V2 documentation ...

If enabled, Speech-to-Text will attempt to detect profane words and return only the first letter followed by asterisks in the transcript (for example, f***). If ...

Operational Definitions

Possible Examples. Possible Non-Examples. Physical Aggression. Successful and ... Use of swear words/foul language toward another individual, interrupting ...

Advertiser-friendly content guidelines - YouTube Help

Abbreviated or obscured profanity, or words like “hell” or “damn” in the ... For example, if a video provides news reporting on a violent event like a ...

Prohibited & restricted content - Maps User Contributed Content ...

We do allow inoffensive uses of words that may be considered profanity in other contexts. ... For example, you shouldn't upload content that displays deals ...

Moderate text | Cloud Natural Language API | Google Cloud

Insulting, inflammatory, or negative comment towards a person or a group of people. Profanity, Obscene or vulgar language such as cursing. Death, Harm & Tragedy ...

General agent design best practices | Dialogflow CX | Google Cloud

Filler words: For example, "okay, order a ticket" and "order a ticket ... The following example shows good and bad annotations for a product entity type: ...

Create DLP for Drive rules and custom content detectors - Google ...

Enter a name and a description for the detector. Enter words to detect, separated by commas. In custom word lists: Capitalization is ignored. For example, BAD ...

Enforcing - like gmail: first character of your username should be a ...

Aug 6, 2012 ... Still trying to make my username example, google-like. Google prohibits a very small set of bad words. I have a BADWORDS working outside of the ...

18 Superstitions from Around the World — Google Arts & Culture

Words by Andrew Mulvania. Black Cat Auditions In Hollywood (1961) by Ralph ... bad resided in trees who could be either called upon for protection or ...

I'm getting a "Content Injection" warning but I can't find the issue ...

Dec 10, 2019 ... Sample URLs. 13 ... The word "sex" is expected, specially in the Magazine articles, but I was not aware of the bad words in product names.

SCRED Life Skills - Tier 3 & SpEd Interventions

... foul language toward another individual, interrupting, name calling ... : Vocal stereotypy. Description/examples: Repetitive vocalizations (sounds or words) ...

Security Rules language | Firebase Security Rules

Cloud Firestore and Cloud Storage rules use a language based on the Common Expression Language ... service bad.example { match /rules/with/overlapping/methods { ...

ASP.NET MVC Samples, Oxite, and Community - Scott Hanselman's ...

Dec 17, 2008 ... I totally agree with your comment that just because it has the words ... bad MVC sample. cnurse. December 17, 2008 23:18. Not much more for me ...

Pull a line from another sheet if a column contains a word or one of ...

May 2, 2019 ... I understand how to do this if column A contains only the keyword (in the example, if the cell contains just "cats" I can do =filter(Sheet1!A:Z, ...