About 1,342,669 results (1,780 milliseconds)

The Meaning of the Altar — Google Arts & Culture

On the ofrenda, the main objects are symbolic of life's elements: water, wind, fire, and earth. Water is served in a clay pitcher or glass to quench the spirit ...

The Iconography of Landscape: Essays on the Symbolic ...

By applying the art-historical method of iconography - interpreting levels of meaning in human artifacts - to landscapes on paper or canvas, in literary form or ...

Signs, Symbolic Cognition, and Semiosis: Intro

The Grammar of Meaning Systems: Sign Systems, Symbolic Cognition, and Semiotics. Martin Irvine. Communication, Culture & Technology Program.

steve yegge - digging-into-ruby-symbols

Dec 28, 2005 ... And did I just use the word 'reify'? Geez." I mean, Ruby symbols are right up there with numbers, strings, regexps and the like as first-class ...

The “Grammar” of Manga — Google Arts & Culture

Just as the meaning of words changes with context, symbolic expressions such as manpu do not necessarily correspond one-to-one with a particular meaning and are ...

AnnotateImageResponse | Cloud Vision API | Google Cloud

Dec 15, 2023 ... TextProperty message definition below for more detail. JSON representation ... A single symbol representation. JSON representation. See more code ...

Klimt & Symbolism - Part 1 — Google Arts & Culture

In addition to this general level of existential, philosophical meaning in "The Kiss", Klimt could also have been referring to his specific personal experiences ...

Learning Hierarchical Bag of Words using Naive Bayes Clustering

Any form of vector quantization gives a symbolic representation to the keypoints. ... While the baseline representation achieves a mean AP of 52.8% using a ...

The Real Meaning Behind Taylor Swift's — Google Arts & Culture

This image isn't accidental, rather, the snake has a long history of symbolic connotations with sex, gender, shame and rebirth.

Machine Learning Glossary | Google for Developers

Feb 18, 2025 ... Once all the examples are grouped, a human can optionally supply meaning to each cluster. Many clustering algorithms exist. For example, the k- ...


... represent symbolic and ideological concepts in important rites such as the Four Ceremonial Occasions of Life(coming of age, wedding, funeral, and ancestral ...

About negative keywords - Google Ads Help

Ignored symbols: You can add periods (.) to your negative keywords, but these will be ignored. That means the keywords Fifth Ave. and Fifth Ave, for example ...

umbrella or parasol? — Google Arts & Culture

In addition to the difference in definition and purpose, their symbolism varies between cultures and time periods. They can represent protection, prosperity ...

The Concept of Representation - Hanna F. Pitkin - Google Books

Learning what "representation" means and learning how to represent are intimately connected. ... Symbolic Representation. 92. The MandateIndependence. 144.

About keyword matching options - Google Ads Help

This diagram explains that a phrase match keyword may allow your ads to show on searches. Exact match. Ads may show on searches that have the same meaning or ...

Physics-Inspired Structural Representations for Molecules and ...

Jul 26, 2021 ... ... symbolic calculus that facilitates memorizing ... definition of the representation for the structure A as a sum of atomic representations, ...

Method: images.annotate | Cloud Vision API | Google Cloud

TextProperty message definition below for more detail. JSON representation ... A single symbol representation. JSON representation. See more code actions ...

Taj Mahal: The symphony of love — Google Arts & Culture

The Taj Mahal, the most prominent monument of India, stands as a timeless symbol of love. ... meaning palace, thus making this the 'palace of the crown'.

The Secret History of the Color Black — Google Arts & Culture

... symbolize elegance, wealth, restraint, and power. ... The 2,000 paleolithic drawings found in the cave represent humans, abstract symbols, and animals, like this ...

US20110131261A1 - Algebraic Device and Methods of Use Thereof ...

Algebra is a self-consistent rule set for the meaning of certain symbols and the relationships between them. Algebraic Device is one which performs symbolic ...