About 1,665,405 results (5,128 milliseconds)

Block or unblock people's accounts - Android - Google Account Help

To avoid unwanted interactions, you can block other users in certain Google products, like Google Chat and Photos. When you block, you block a specific ...

Get Google Assistant on your Android lock screen - Google Assistant ...

You can get help from Google Assistant while your Android phone or tablet is locked. Google Assistant can help you perform tasks, like set a timer on your ...

Use Google Play Protect to help keep your apps safe & your data ...

Learn how you can use Google Play Protect to scan and help protect your Android device from harmful and unsafe apps and to verify the security of new apps.

Report spam in Google Messages - Android - Google Messages

You can report spam but don't have to block the contact. Remove a spam report. Unblocking a conversation removes a spam report. On your Android phone or tablet, ...

Delete, allow and manage cookies in Chrome - Android - Google ...

You can choose to delete existing cookies, allow or block all cookies, and set preferences for certain websites. Important: If you're part of the test group ...

Your account is disabled - Google Account Help

Ask us to restore your account ... If you own the account, you can request access to it again. ... If your appeal isn't approved, your entire Google Account will ...

Use caller ID & spam protection - Phone app Help

To unlock the phone number, tap Unblock . Verify or share caller ID. You can ... English‎. català‎; dansk‎; Deutsch‎; eesti‎; English (United Kingdom) ...

Change call settings - Phone app Help

You can change your phone's call ringtone, vibration settings, quick responses, and call history display. Note: You're using an older Android version.

Taking screenshots isn't allowed by the app or your organization ...

Sep 9, 2020 ... Just want to add as I have a Pixel 4a. I attempted to do a screen capture of my bank details within the banking app so I could send to someone ...

Deactivate ad blockers for Google Ads - Google Ads Help

Deactivate the ad blocker (desktop). You can change your settings to allow ads on all sites. At the top right, click More More and then Settings ...

WP Unblocker: Smart Unblock - Apps on Google Play

Are you still in the search of how to unblock someone on Whatsapp? WP Unblocker is the ultimate solution for individuals who have been blocked on the ...

Block senders & report spam in Google Messages - Android ...

You can block messages from someone in Google Messages. Important: Some steps only work on Android 7.0 and up.

Deactivate ad blockers for Google Ads - Google Ads Help

Deactivate the ad blocker (desktop). You can change your settings to allow ads on all sites. At the top right, click More More and then Settings ...

Block, unblock, or report someone - Android - Google Pay Help

If someone you don't know requests money from you or you don't want someone to contact you on Google Pay, you can block them if they send requests.

Looks like another app is blocking access to Google Play. Turn off ...

Sep 18, 2021 ... You should need to Select the switch off for all Apps,. When you Open an app that needs to display over other Apps,. For example a Screen ...

Delete your verification data - Google Account Help

Make sure you're signed in to the same account that you used to provide your ID or video verification. To request the deletion of your verification data, fill ...

Create, change, or reset your UPI PIN - Android - Google Pay Help

Your UPI PIN is the number that you enter whenever you add a new payment account or make a transaction. ... English‎. English (India)‎; English (United Kingdom)‎ ...

This phone number cannot be used for verification. - Google ...

Dec 26, 2023 ... Sometimes, the phone number will be unblocked after 24 hours. Use a different phone number. If you have another phone number that you can use, ...

Change app permissions on your Android phone - Google Play Help

You can allow some apps to use various features on your device, such as your camera or contacts list. An app will send a notification to ask for permission ...

Block, unblock, or report someone - iPhone & iPad - Google Pay Help

Tip: If you block someone on Google Pay, they'll also be blocked on some other Google products, such as Photos. You can learn more about blocking Google ...