Oct 8, 2016 ... That is why I suggested cutting foam and putting it between the beams similar to a grand. No difference in my mind. The advantage is that you ...
Chang or Weber grand piano that was made in China. Would you like to quote specific models? I HAVE seen Yamaha verticals that were made in China, but I don ...
would rather play a mediocre upright (or even a fair spinet) over most digital ... where either an acoustic piano is not available, or the acoustic is in such
an upright grand which is absolutely the best vertical i have ever tuned. ... Pianos of the acoustic variety just don't sell like they once did. Too many ...
played better than any dinky spinet or worn-out upright I could have found for the same money. What's more (I say straight-faced to the piano purists),
serious player would find a rebuilt grand or a great upright in the price range. I can keep the ng updated about the health of this piano as appropriate. It ...
Isomorphic (“6-6”) full-size upright acoustic piano. It was originally a player piano manufactured by Gulbransen; the player mechanism had already been removed ...
>quality you found in the Walter or a premium grand of any brand you choose. > I did look closely at the soundboard and I still didn't see the grain flaws that ...
alternative products. It had been 10 years since I last played the piano ( acoustic upright ) and. I wished to revive the interest. The P30 sounded very ...
I have been considering buying piano for my 7 year old. Have been looking at Yamaha GP1 GH1 or Knabe KN520 or KN590. Anyone (I' sure some out there does) have ...
About three years ago my brother and I bought an old upright acoustic piano ... an entry level basic synthesizer or digital piano. My budget is negotiable ...
a upright piano.) Others are less important since if I keep playing I ... switch to a different digital or acoustic one at that point. I'm happy to ...
take a lesson from Yamaha in the quality department. Dave -- Retail salesperson formerly representing 17 different acoustic & digital piano brands. Support your ...
their new 48" upright Silent Piano/Disclavier combo for my next instrument ... really goes into detail, trying to reproduce the acoustic piano sound as ...
with built-in amplifiers and speakers. Requirements were "proper" piano keyboard, good sampled grand, good upright / rock piano, Rhodes-ish and DX7-ish e-pianos ...
... keyboard connected to a computer, tablet or smart phone. Emphasis has been placed on real or acoustic instruments particularly piano and other favourites ...