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merispeech - WELCOME SPEECH

I heartily welcome our chief guest on the behalf of ABC Public School, Noida for the prestigious moment when our school is celebrating its 25th Annual day. On ...

Glastonbury Public Schools

We are pleased to partner with Welles-Turner Memorial Library (WTML) to celebrate student art. Artwork featuring K-12 school calendar art and grade 6 ceramic ...

Ms. M's Free Resources

17 books to celebrate the New Year! Beginning of January. 100th Day Library! 24 books and 6 videos (songs and movement) to celebrate the 100th day of school ...

merispeech - Meri speech on international women's day

It is glad to know that Women's Day is also celebrated in colleges and schools nowadays which instil respect and care for women in the minds of young brains ...

merispeech - merispeech on mother's day

MOTHER'S DAY SPEECH – 3 ... Respected Principal, Honorary Managing Committee, Respected Teachers, Loving Mothers and My Dear Fellow Students – Good Morning to one ...

iTranslate Translator - Apps on Google Play

iTranslate Translator is a language translator app for text, voice, conversations, camera and photos. You can easily translate into over 100 languages by ...

Sturgis Soundings - West 2024 Graduation

Students, faculty and family have made our collective Sturgis experience momentous, and today is a day to celebrate that accomplishment. Just as all our seniors ...


This was followed by a welcoming speech from the Principal. Students showcased a variety of performances, including songs in Hindi, English, Nepali, and Bengali ...

SKGSH Global - Campus Life

Opening speech for Sk X'mas lightning event. Students will write their wishes ... The biggest day of Sk students' lives. It feels like only yesterday ...

Del Oro High School

We have several ways that students, parents, and ... School Calendar - Check the Google Calendars for Activities, Athletics, and All School Events.

Google Translate – Apps on Google Play

Text translation: Translate between 108 languages by typing • Tap to Translate: Copy text in any app and tap the Google Translate icon to translate (all ...

Alvie Primary School - School Handbook

Dear Parents,. We are pleased to welcome you and your child to Alvie Primary School and hope that we will have a long and happy association as ...

Welcome to Bexleyheath Academy - Latest News

... day to maximise their participation and success in school activities. Please ... British Heart Foundation while celebrating Valentine's Day. It's a ...

New Mexico Chinese School of Arts & Language

Language Classes and Extracurricular Classes · Our school offers Simplified/Pinyin(简体中文拼音班), Phonetic/Zhuyin(注音繁體中文班) and Mandarin for English ...

Wethersfield Public Schools - archived news articles

During the event, we also took a moment to recognize The Hartford as our Employer of the Year, celebrating their role in opening doors for our students.


Every year the El Dorado Hills Rotary Club holds a speech contest for Oak Ridge students. On Wednesday several students were able to compete and the winners ...

NL - 3rd November 2023 - www.ctk.education

We will be celebrating Polish Independance day in school on Friday 10th November and parents are welcome to join us for a special assembly at 2.45pm.

The BSB Blog - Executive Head

Jan 19, 2023 ... ... days of school and especially odd socks day on Thursday, celebrating individuality. ... British School of Bahrain parents, students and staff ...

merispeech - Meri speech on labour day

I welcome you all on this assembly specially dedicated to the labour day celebration. This day is usually celebrated on 1st May every year but it tends to also ...

AKHS Student Services - Archived Announcements

What: This is a virtual event for prospective students, their parents, and school counselors. ... Parents Learning English: Information HERE. TUTORING FOR EL ...