About 1,733,618 results (1,689 milliseconds)

adding aes128-cbc support to ssh.go

I see that from the ssh/cipher.go that there is no support for *-cbc ciphers, so I like to add support for these.

rsync with ssh and a different cipher?

I'm looking to find out if it's possible to change the cipher used with ssh when rsync'ing over ssh. Typically an rsync over ssh will be invoked something like ...

ssh.Dial return error: ssh: no common algorithms

Feb 17, 2012 ... command. from the doc of the code, It seems not all of the cipher algorithms is supported. // Specifies a default set of ciphers and ...

Puppet SSL Ciphers

Nigel Kersten ... about this will lead us to prioritize it more, however... ... reasons, including this one. It's not suggested for production use. ... deployment ...

ssh handshake failed

Nov 5, 2014 ... On Linux, I have OpenSSH installed. I know that there are some issues with the supporting ciphers but I just don't know what's causing it. This ...

rsync speeds

As it doesn't use encryption it is faster than ssh. If using ssh, a "light" and supported cipher for dropbear ssh is chacha20: ... [root@DNS-327L]# ssh -Q ciphers


Feb 14, 2022 ... ya know printers that you don't update SSL on, or a fob system that you CAN'T update. Anyone have any clue on this? Details. Other Chrome ...

TLS & SSL connections - Google Workspace Admin Help

Google Workspace previously encrypted email with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), but now uses TLS for encryption. TLS and SSL are often both referred to as SSL.

General tips for using Compute Engine | Compute Engine ...

About disk encryption ... You can specify a different user using the --ssh-key-file PRIVATE_KEY_FILE flag when running the gcloud compute ssh command.

Firefox 50.1.0 still does not offer any secure SSL / TLS ciphers

Firefox does not offer a single cipher which fulfills all of these criteria. Steps to reproduce: In Firefox, open "about:config". Type "SSL3" into the search ...

Disable old ciphers TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1 on Wazuh 4.3.4

... /#advanced-enabled-ciphers-and-protocols. But our opensearch.yml file contains the below config values. plugins.security.ssl.http.enabled_ciphers: - ...

Firefox 50.1.0 still does not offer any secure SSL / TLS ciphers

Firefox does not offer a single cipher which fulfills all of these criteria. Steps to reproduce: In Firefox, open "about:config". Type "SSL3" into the search ...

Is 'gcloud compute ssh' busted in the new release?

Jun 1, 2022 ... SSH works fine from the web (console.cloud.google.com). The ... debug2: ciphers ctos: [email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr ...

Failed to get repository information svn+ssh

... Ciphers agreed: local=aes128-ctr, remote=aes128-ctr. 2013-01-21 09:28:09,044 - DEBUG - using kex diffie-hellman-group1-sha1; server key type ssh-rsa; cipher ...

Cannot add repository with cvs ext in 1.5.2 on RHEL5

fine. This is the log file output without using ssh keys 2011-01-19 06:28:15,566 - DEBUG - Ciphers agreed: ...

OpenSSH and CBC

Hello, I saw that OpenSSH release 6.7 removed all CBC ciphers by default. Is CBC therefore considered as broken and unsecure (in general or SSH

Error when trying to VNC through SSH tunnel to Centos Server on ...

gnome.Vino require-encryption false". If running x11vnc, you can add the following options: "-vencrypt.nodh:only -ssl".

Where to look next?

debug2: ciphers ctos: [email protected],aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr ... debug1: kex: host key algorithm: ssh-rsa debug1: kex: server->client cipher ...

[erlang-questions] ssh:connect "Key exchange failed"

Oct 8, 2019 ... A common cause is that there are no common cipher algorithm available. For example the AES-256 CBC is not available in Erlang SSH. Which otp ...

[gentoo-user] ssh problem

Dec 26, 2021 ... >> <nn>: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss". ... > that only offers ciphers that are now disabled by default in newer ...