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Arrows in the Quiver: An Interview on Senryu - Graceguts

Though you previously called them haiku-like, poems such as the following resemble senryu: ... different things, evoke different emotions, and use different ...

Lorine Niedecker's Haiku Library - Graceguts

... lines, and in all capitals, which may not have served the genre well. Rexroth's collection consists almost entirely of waka poems (now called tanka), a ...

Finding My Way to Haiku - Graceguts

I've always had a sense of poetry. Being named after Dylan Thomas may have had something to do with that! I was born in 1962 in Watford, England, and grew up ...

Quiddity - 2017-2018

Sep 18, 2017 ... I scribbled out a few words, not caring if the poems were good, if the lines made any sense. ... I'm exploring new and different ways of writing ...

Use line numbers in Google Docs - Google Docs Editors Help

Enhance collaboration: To provide a clear and consistent way to reference specific lines in a document, line numbers help multiple users to collaborate on a ...

Go-Shichi-Go: How Japanese and English Syllables Differ - Graceguts

... sentences in the last paragraph, and have made a few other minor revisions. First written in February and April of 2014. See the new postscripts (and video) ...

Laughing with Karumi - Graceguts

Jun 30, 2022 ... ... called “so-what” poem. I'll leave it to you to feel what the poet ... poems, I hope one will be for other poems demonstrating lightness.

Becoming a Haiku Poet - Graceguts

When you realize the connection between the two parts (sometimes called an ... lines than you might have in other poems or prose. This is thanks to the ...

Haiku . . . The Smallest Talk - Graceguts

... other traditions of monostich poetry in the rest of the world put together. ... Alan Watts called haiku a “wordless poem,” too! One point of argument might ...

Quiddity - 2022-2023

... poems from other sources). Though her poems don't usually have names, an ... The other Miraidon is called, and something prevents all pokeballs that ...

Mr Culbert - English 9 Class Blog

We looked at a fun poem named "Flannan Isle" by Wilfrid Wilson Gibson. I ... Feb 14, Tuesday: Terrible Love Poetry and Good Paragraph Writing. Students ...

Skywriting: Learning Haiku from Annie Dillard - Graceguts

... called The Writing Life (Harper & Row, 1989). Although surely not ... Does haiku need to be three lines, or one line, or any other particular number of lines?

On Longer Poetry and Other Writing - Graceguts

... called ethical; nine tenths, however, appertains to the mathematics.” —Edgar Allan Poe. “The poem . . . is a little myth of man's capacity of making life ...

Forms in English Haiku - Graceguts

I believe that 5-7-5 English haiku as a derivative of Japanese haiku has its place in the world of poetry, just as 5-7-5 Chinese haiku is another such ...

Questions about meters

7s), Particular Meter, or Peculiar Meter (each indicating poetry with its own peculiar, non-standard, meter). * S.M. - Short Meter; iambic lines in the first, ...

Thirteen Ways of Reading Haiku - Graceguts

One part of the poem is “cut” apart from the other, equivalent to the use of what the Japanese call a “kireji” or “cutting word,” serving as a sort of spoken ...

The Haiku Seasons - Graceguts

A “saijiki” is an almanac of words classified by season, with example poems and other information, used by haiku poets in writing their traditional haiku.

You Can't Be Serious - Graceguts

“Song of Myself.” The poems in this book are examples of a specific form of poetry created in 2010 by Terrance Hayes, called “golden shovel” poems. See “The ...

Why I Write Haiku: Because It's There - Graceguts

Another motivation to write haiku is to share them. This includes ... called the “triggering town” of poetry. The challenge isn't necessarily to ...

Urdu hai jis kaa naam . . . part III

other poets who wrote verses in Rekhta, in Perso-Arabic script. The other direction became known as modern Hindi, written in. Devanagari, and it increasingly ...