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CA2636129A1 - Detection of soluble adiponectin receptor peptides ...

... can be used witli, for e4.trnp1e ... For evaa:riple, fi>r a:nany people, cardiovascular heart disease is managed with l1testyle chan~gcs and medications.

WO2000076530A1 - 49 human secreted proteins - Google Patents

Cardiovascular diseases, disorders, and/or conditions also include heart disease ... For example, inhibitors of NF-KB could be used to treat those diseases ...

WO2000055171A1 - 50 human secreted proteins - Google Patents

... used to treat cardiovascular disorders, including peripheral artery disease, such as limb ischemia ... For example, inhibitors of NF-KB could be used to treat ...

CA2365247A1 - 49 human secreted proteins - Google Patents

Moreover, polypeptides of the present invention can be used to treat disease. For example, patients can be administered a polypeptide of the present ...

Mr Wnuk PE - Lifestyle Choices

It will eventually cause heart disease. Tar is a brown substance which ... Coronary heart disease (CHD) is linked to angina and heart attacks. CHD is ...

US8618068B2 - Methods and low dose regimens for treating red ...

The target product profile of a therapeutic agent for patients with beta thalassemia or SCD is an orally administered medication that stimulates both fetal- ...

US8673860B2 - Extended recombinant polypeptides and ...

... uses thereof for treating diseases, disorders or conditions. the particular disease to be treated will depend on the choice of the biologically active proteins.

CA2507215A1 - Methods for treating cancer using porimin as a ...

... coronary artery endothelium, or disease tissue). A protein expression profile is also known as a "protein expression signature." A "host cell," as used ...

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can add up to a higher risk of coronary heart disease." What's more, in people with diabetes, which typically causes damage to blood vessel linings, the

Makindo Medical Reference - Apps on Google Play

Over 2460 fully searchable topics for the ward round, clinic and your personal study. Help you to study effectively and pass your exams.

The BSB Blog - Archived News 202122 T1

Dec 9, 2021 ... 2021 marks one hundred years since insulin began to be used to treat diabetes. ... Coronary heart disease is on the increase and sedentary ...

MB GCSE Science - B4 Organising animals and plants

You will study the cardiovascular system including the heart, how it works and some of the problems and solutions related to it. By the end of this unit you ...

os-1-2.ipynb - Colab

... heart rate and congestive heart failure status on cardiac death. ... Our study demonstrates that this dietetic food can be used to successfully manage ...

GCE Study Buddy - IGCSE Biology Notes

... can be used to investigate water ... If this artery is blocked the heart will slow down or stop causing a heart attack. This is how coronary heart diseases ...

Eswatini-covid-19-world-policy-tracker - Google Drive

... would allow the hospital to treat infected patients without putting the staff at risk ... They added they would also use it to help people learn measures they can ...