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Chemistry Graduate Student Handbook - Research Advisor Selection

Do they need to post doc to get a nonacademic job? What is the policy on vacation days for students in your research group?

AP Research - Expert Advisor Role

Expert advisers. when asked, should ask questions and provide feedback and guidance to students regarding their choice of research questions/project goals ...

Advising Statement - Alan Benson

I'm also critical of work that seemingly caters to the academic discipline ahead of genuine inquiry; research should acknowledge and contextualize very similar ...

Prospective Students

One way to do this is to enroll in an ECE299 class (Independent Research) with a professor who you think would be a good advisor. If you are being supported ...

Aseem Kaul - Advising Statement

... research agenda, separate from mine. I'm here to help you do the research you want to do, not to get you to do research I would otherwise have done myself.


Talk to your peers about your/their research. This is something that I did do a bit in grad school but wish I would have done more of. I wish I ...

Chemistry Graduate Student Handbook - Spring Entrance Schedule

Students arriving in January should begin investigating research groups and meeting with potential advisors as soon as possible. ... do research with their ...

BU Study Abroad - Faculty FAQ

What is the application process like? 6. How do third-party courses transfer? 7. How do advisors support students in pursuing study abroad? 8.

Meeting Your Needs - Frequently Asked Questions

... research under a research advisor at the institution is completed. Does "halfway through the proposed plan of study" refer to courses, research, or both?

Matthew Gibson | Williams College - Graduate school

My undergraduate advisor told me, "Never do a PhD if you could be happy doing anything else." It was good advice, not because PhD programs are terrible, but ...

MSE Undergraduates - Research

Students who plan to attend graduate school should consider completing an undergraduate research project under the supervision of a faculty advisor.

CoPsy Advising

Entry 33: How long does it take for a professor to respond to an email? ... Entry 27: Where do research ideas come from? Entry 41: The Swim Test. Page ...

From Participatory Culture to Public Participation - On Chuck and ...

Could I finally come up with something a little less opaque than "researcher at MIT"? If I did, could I for once muster the self-discipline it takes not to ...

Chemistry Graduate Student Handbook - Financial Support and ...

Beyond this parental leave period, graduate students do not qualify ... Studies and should usually involve the student's research advisor. Depending ...

Chemistry Graduate Student Handbook - Academics

degree program is not made until the end of the first year and would not be made without consultation with the student and their research advisor. ... do arise.

MarSci - Manuscript Submission

... does not effect submission eligibility). Student authors must have their research advisor's ... Graphics that do not meet the following requirements will ...

Chemistry Graduate Student Handbook - Chemistry M.S. Program

Students wishing to plan a Master's program should consult with their research advisor, the Director of Graduate Studies, and/or Three Member Advising Committee ...