About 1,900,515 results (4,925 milliseconds)

Any way to turn off autocorrect for specific words? - Android ...

Jul 23, 2024 ... Go to Settings > Language & input > Android Keyboard (or your default keyboard app). · Tap on Dictionary or Personal dictionary. · Tap the + icon ...

Did McAuliffe really say "Nuts" at Bastogne?

means 'Go to Hell!'" Sounces: MacDonald's _A Time for Trumpets_, ABC News special on 50th anniv. of Bulge, Ambrose's _Citizen Soldiers_. -- Capt ...

How to change Google Assistant's default spelling for commonly ...

Nov 14, 2018 ... I've added Sofia to the custom Android dictionary, but no luck. This is an issue with GA hearing a word and only allowing one spelling of it.

Austrian / American Dictionary - Google Drive

OÖ - OberÖ. V - Vorarlberg Wav - Waldviertel Wev - Weinviertel, Ami Slang ... flip out, freak out, go nuts, wack out, to go crazy, durchdrehen, wenn Du so ...

Most of my comments are being automatically deleted - YouTube ...

Nov 10, 2024 ... Another problem uses are facing is the system flags combined words that are all found in the dictionary. Rewrite the comment but in a different ...

GOLF SLANG summary

when a putt touches the hole but doesnąt go in. military golf n. not ... >does your husband play? expression said to a male opponent who strikes >his ...

Why are Bhaalsons so "powerful"?

What does this mean? David Vrabel. Barbarian X's profile photo. Barbarian X ... > Dungeon. BG2 still does a similar thing, since you can't go straight off to ...

TIL Although considered a contemporary classic, the original Back to ...

Apr 29, 2021 ... 3.7K votes, 218 comments. 40M subscribers in the todayilearned community. You learn something new every day; what did you learn today?

Local Word Origins

Hope this is the start of an interesting thread, Sharon. Pukui says of "poho" and "poho~" - both Hawaiian words: poho can mean "cup or hollow", "to knead ...

Rap Dictionary (part 1 of 4)

fifty would then be 1.50, referring to doing 150 miles per hour. dolo (n) Like delf/self, dolo/solo. I go for dolo -- ??? (?? [??]). dome

Worst lyric(s) of all time?!

Aug 16, 1997 ... that his "friends" would go so against his wishes in life and make money ... does not mean the album is necessarily good, if the same album goes ...

Halloween in Scotland

or disguising from guising? A dictionary to hand has "guise" from old French guise, with one meaning of dress, giving guiser.

Hit the Road, Jack, and Don't Come Back - The Moscow Times

Jun 26, 2019 ... What does that mean? Where does that come from? And then I go down ... In slang, though, in the past tense plural it means “let's get ...

First impressions of Kazuya? : r/CrazyHand

Jun 30, 2021 ... That plus his bad recovery means that I just can't see this character above mid tier. He can do crazy stuff to you if you're on the ground and ...

Use of british swear words in Buffy. (not for delicate minds or eyes ...

And I must say, James Marsters does a **wonderfu**l English accent. ... So not only are they using obscure slang, they're using retro slang ;). Kate

Language Support for Canadian English and French. [36920000 ...

I'm not here to tell the dictionary how to spell. It's supposed to tell me if I spelt something wrong. Canada is not going away anytime soon, so support would ...

The dogs bollocks

see in Partridge's Concise Dictionary of Slang that "cock-up" ... >the meaning would have changed completely. Do you mean that "a right nut" would be interpreted ...

English-Myanmar Dictionary - Apps on Google Play

English to Myanmar or Myanmar to English Offline Dictionary Main Features - Easy Navigation - Work without internet access - Auto suggest searching word

Shabdakosh English Dictionary - Apps on Google Play

English to Hindi Dictionary (हिन्दी शब्दकोश) a quick, offline reference/guide to learn English words with Hindi as well as English meanings available for almost ...

Hawaiian slang (fwd)

your Pidgin is broken <g>. > "Pupule" is the Hawai'ian term for "crazy". not ... Just the Monica Lewinskys --- for Charles II --- in this go-round.