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white spot on eyes of Rasboras

White spots in the pupil could be associated with internal parasites ... I do not have a UGF, but an external hanging filter well rated for the tank ...

[Auto-Post] Weekly Question Thread! Ask /r/Aquariums anything you ...

Jul 6, 2020 ... My betta has a white-ish mark on his head, I've looked around ... r/Betta has a good guide on how to do a fish in cycle too. Upvote 1

There's a difference between giving advice to bettas that aren't cared ...

Dec 27, 2019 ... I love it whenever people on this sub try to tell me my poor fish is dying from cold since I don't have a heater, even after I explain that I ...

Clown Loach turning milkey white!

white (not little white spots but a coat). I am just new to keeping and ... Does the fish appear to be covered in slime? If it is a milky coating that ...

HELP my Discus is losing it's tail

Aid which is supposed to treat fungus, fin-rot, white spots, etc. The other fishes in the tank are:- 2 other Discus (.7 to 1 inch) 4 Long-finned Zebras 2 ...

When browsing Google images on my Andorid phone, some of the ...

Dec 24, 2023 ... Two white dots showed up on the image. When I did that, Google ... It has nothing to do with Lens that I see. I tried that on one photo ...

515 Fishing - Blog

... does not mean the entire body of water has 6 inches of ice. Several factors ... I tend to think a great angler catches a variety of fish species, or has the ...

[Auto-Post] Weekly Question Thread! Ask /r/Aquariums anything you ...

Aug 23, 2021 ... One of my fish is old and has ... When I tested today I got readings of 0ppm NH3, 0ppm NO2, and 5-10ppm NO3, does this mean my tank is cycled?

The Shipwreck Rose: Behemoth | The East Hampton Star

Mar 15, 2023 ... ... do grow extremely fond of individual cats, as long as they are especially lovable. Not just any cat will do. The cat has to have personality ...

YoYo Loach turned (almost) white?

Water conditions are all stable, tanks has plenty of hiding spots and is has about medium plant cover. The loaches were treated for white spot about 1 month ...

Clown loach colour

My clown has been a ... You will know when they are sick by a lack of activity, white spots, or a ... The wife runs a 9W one on a 20 gal and it does well.

Had an epiphany about my financial habits : r/personalfinance

Nov 12, 2018 ... Meanwhile, in many white collar jobs, there's downtime where I'm still getting paid an ungodly amount of money to do nothing (by comparison to ...

Female betta ER blowing up

to The Freshwater Aquarium. how do you make diy meds for fish, you mean with fish meds mixed with fish food or with human meds (can you do that? whats the ...

Could Kasparov spot a 2250 player knight odds?

normal to play odds games according to the rule that the odds-giver has White. If you give Kasparov White in *every* match game, I'd bet that he'd beat almost ...

Largest Rottweiler

breeder that had a puppy, from german SchH lines that had a white spot. Excellent drives but it was hard to get rid of. It does happen, doesnt mean it was back ...

What's your favourite type of fish? : r/AskMen

Jul 3, 2020 ... ... white naturally in the water and will often ... spots. Most fish ... I'm working this fish up towards the surface, my amigo already has ...

Thermometer Killed My Fish

I plan to treat it like a nitrite problem, but nobody on the internet seems to have a good answer for what to do for a thermometer breakage and nobody can ...

Visible veins on Koi

> another I noticed that I could see its tiny red veins against its white > ... The red spots around the gills is usually a ... Check the gills on your other fish ...

Is there a key to the meaning of different icons that come up on maps ...

Jun 8, 2019 ... There is what I call a horn icon that will pop up along the Route and as I drive past that point the program makes a noise. So I was hoping to ...

A Turkey Multitask | Nebraskaland Magazine

May 8, 2023 ... Finding the Good Spots. 3340 views ... the white-tailed deer ( ... Once regarded as the most popular of all game fish, the rainbow trout still has a ...