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Matt Olliffe - Leviticus 6-7: Holy Worship (2): The Regulations for ...

... God (Leviticus 7:3-5).[8]. The sin, guilt and tribute ... Yes, we can approach God boldly because of Jesus, but boldness does not mean casual indifference.

Matt Olliffe - Leviticus 8-10: Holy People (1): The Holy: Priests

I achieved everything I was meant to do. The sacrifices the priests offered did the job and God accepted them. And this said to Israel, 'Yahweh is really with ...

Poor in Spirit - Pope Francis Homilies

We must ask ourselves: what does "poor" mean here? If Matthew used only this word, then the meaning would simply be economic, that is, it would indicate ...

Unclean ... - JESUS IS The WAY and The TRUTH and The LIFE

In this dream, KFC does not represent KFC (per se), but it represents "Western" food (rather than Eastern food). In general, Western food is spiritually ...

Matt Olliffe - Leviticus 19-22, 24, 25: Social Justice among God's ...

And so we need laws to tell us what is right and true. As Christians, we are not under the law as a means of salvation or justification. The law of God is good, ...

Day 331: Peter Preaches to the ... - The Bible in a Year Study Guide

Oh by the way, Cephas means Peter, so that is how you would say ROCK in that language. Ok back to the story… So there is dissension in the Church. Some are ...

Matt Olliffe - The issue behind the issue at the Antioch Food Fight ...

To be justified in Christ, in his person, in his death, mean that it cannot be by what we do. It is all of grace. And grace frees you to 'fess up. To look at ...

The Law and ... - JESUS IS The WAY and The TRUTH and The LIFE

Maybe it's a mistranslation or even a typo (in the Bible)?. So, the "OR ... This is grammatically correct if Jesus did mean to separate Law and Prophets ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Esther

Jul 24, 2013 ... They do not need material things alone; also and above all, they need to have held up to them those non-material values which are the spiritual ...

Matt Olliffe - Colossians 3:18-19 Wives and Husbands in Christ

So this does not mean subhuman submission. Submitting is also slightly different to obeying. The verb Paul uses of the wife's response to the husband (ὑποτάσσω) ...

What I Have Learned - These Four Things: Idols, Blood, Things ...

Leviticus 17:13). Notice also that the eating of blood is listed along ... do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the ...

Bible and Dictionary - Apps on Google Play

Welcome to Bible and Dictionary, your essential companion for the journey of faith in the presence of the Lord. Explore the transformative power of the Word ...

Hebrew Greek and English Bible - Apps on Google Play

Welcome to the Hebrew Greek and English Bible, your Bible in English and Hebrew, a unique application designed to strengthen faith and enrich your spiritual ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Leviticus

This does not mean underestimating the dangers of letting wolves into the fold, but welcoming the repentant prodigal son; healing the wounds of sin with courage ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Elderly and Grandparents

I would like to speak to you today about the spiritual significance of the desert. What the desert means spiritually to all of us, even us who live in the city, ...

Matt Olliffe - The Testimony of Early Church Life (Acts 2:42-47, 4:32 ...

Faith in Christ meant that each person looked beyond self-interest to the needs of others. And they gave generously and received thankfully. They did not give ...

Matt Olliffe - Luke 18:35-41 'The Blind Man Who Sees Jesus the ...

Today we will learn from a blind man sitting at the side of the road outside Jericho. For he will see what those who see do not see.

Creation - Pope Francis Homilies

... God puts men and women on the earth to till it and keep it (cf. 2:15). And these questions occur to me: What does cultivating and preserving the earth mean?