About 1,266,137 results (1,406 milliseconds)

I can query but retrieve fails from pacs. I have no clue how to resolve ...

Apr 1, 2021 ... during the retrieve what does it mean “File rejected (Secondary Capture)”. Does that still mean I'm getting the file? Thanks again!. John ...

Orthanc to access exams from other PACS

Jul 25, 2018 ... I would like to have one single user interface for the medical staff to access all the exams stored in both the Orthanc PACS (x-ray, CT, etc.) and the EchoPAC ...

Orthanc as a Hospital PACS?

A better solution would have been an LDAP connector for that stuff, or failing that a DB based solution. Orthanc is nice, it has a slick ui and great licensing ...

Issues with XNAT DQR

Sep 12, 2022 ... You said the "series IDs" (do you mean the series instance UIDs?) XNAT is using to request the data are not in your PACS system. What do those ...

Connect to PACS using dcmtk with TLS connection

Feb 21, 2022 ... I mean if we are trying to connect to any hospital PACS server, do we need this --add-cert-file option? Thanks! Alain Mazy's profile photo ...

Do I need to perform configuration process

Jan 30, 2014 ... PACS knows about me as an AET. I was going to go in and edit ... after aet=RADAR (in bold above)?. (3) What does close Socket mean in ...

XNAT import from PACS/VNA

For (1), what anonymization script are you trying to use? There's also a lot of variables here that critically affect this, such as: 1. How is the data being ...

XNAT Import from PACS : FAILED

May 12, 2022 ... ... would be great. Best,. Sulaiman. Charlie Moore's profile photo ... mean it's properly setup on the PACS side to recognize XNAT. If the ...

Billionaire speech shows line between campaigns and super PACs ...

Jul 22, 2016 ... Why the corny jokes about Caesar salad and Irish wakes? Why all the talk of lions and gazelles? Why did he compare Donald Trump to a jeweler?” ...


I've seen a PACS called PICOM, but right now I can't remember any PICOM ... Do you mean DICOM (or what does the 'P' stand for in PICOM)?.. Dimitri ...

dcm4chee-arc-light Pacs basic configuration

May 10, 2018 ... Hi, I'm a bit confused. In old dcm4chee pacs versions I used to access to the jmx-console page to configure everything. ... Does this mean that I' ...

Re: c-Store failing even though c-Echo is successful

Do you mean you've been able to issue a C-Move and not a C-Store ... On your PACS, what did you enter to configure the Orthanc modality ? On your ...

Send Images to Orthanc PACS

Jun 21, 2018 ... Thanks for your answer. And what about retrieve (cmove) or wado to Weasis of these Dicom objects? Will work also? I mean, the dicom server will ...

How to get query and Retrieve set up

Or if you know how I can get PACS for Windows 10 that would be appreciated. ... Orthanc is what's known as a PACS - its an acronym which stands for Picture ...

US8923580B2 - Smart PACS workflow systems and methods driven ...

A user may create a hanging protocol with different view for different display configurations, for example. A user does not have to create different hanging ...

Weasis - Tomcat - PACS - Client

Is it possible, that i use a Tomcat Server for my Web-Client, which get my DICOM Files from my PACS? Or is the dcm4che Client on the Tomcat? (What Connection is ...

Trouble with DCMQR on a batch list of Unique StudyUID's

Bascially, just trying to find a Study by StudyUID in source PACS then move it to a different PACS. This command has worked fine for me in the past.


Sep 20, 2013 ... This does not mean that the [O I]. 145 μm emission is absent in disks, but since our disk sources are relatively faint, the expected line ...

The feuds and funders behind the pro-Donald Trump super PACs ...

Aug 9, 2016 ... Great America PAC does not play nicely with other pro-Trump PACs either. ... mean victory, and that Trump's ability to command media ...