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Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 20

It's not like we are going to sing to Him to refresh His heart. What it does is it keeps us refreshed in the truth of who He is. We worship Him in spirit and in ...

Trials of life - Pope Francis Homilies

Having faith means keeping your heart turned to God, to His ... Going up the mountain does not mean forgetting reality; praying never means avoiding the ...

Littleness - Pope Francis Homilies

One people. He makes peace. Peace in their hearts. But, how does God reconcile?. In what manner does he do this? Does he perhaps make a ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Session 1 (2017)

Guard your heart because out of your heart flows the issues of life. 1 ... His eyes - What does “take up your cross” mean? Taxi through every injustice ...

Luke Chapter 11-14 - Pope Francis Homilies

Those who experience it do not fear death and their hearts are at peace. Let ... Jesus tells us in the Gospel that being Christians does not mean having a “label” ...

findingthefloor - ep183

... means of armed revolution. It was an intoxicating vision for a young man ... do that until our heart is at peace. Yusuf tells the group, “While you are ...

Matthew Chapter 5 - Pope Francis Homilies

And how does one demilitarize the heart. By opening ourselves to Jesus, who is “our peace” (Eph 2:14); by standing before his Cross, which is the cathedra of ...

For Pope Francis, achieving peace means overcoming indifference ...

Aug 11, 2015 ... At the heart of the message was the Pope's condemnation of the ... "(Jesus) is interested in each of us; his love does not allow him to be ...

findingthefloor - ep184

What I learned this week: This week we get to see the steps that we can take to go from a heart at war to a heart at peace. I cover chapters 22 - 24 in this ...

How To Overcome Depression And Other Negative Emotions

Jul 10, 2022 ... Remaining at peace here does not mean everything will go perfect, exactly the way you want. ... Bind them to your heart and meditate on them till ...

Anger - Pope Francis Homilies

What does “People of God” mean? First of all it means ... The second grace: to do what is good in our hearts and not to do the evil that is in our hearts.

Peace, Serene Sunday

And what does peace actually mean? It means knowing that God is in control ... We have to consciously let go of our lives and set our hearts and minds on God.

Racism is Real, and Colorblindness is Racism: Truths from a Black ...

Nov 28, 2014 ... She is the author of “Guard Your Heart and Your Purpose: Faithfully ... What does that mean for you? What does that mean to you? What ...

Matthew Chapter 5 - Pope Francis Homilies

And how does one demilitarize the heart. By opening ourselves to Jesus, who is “our peace” (Eph 2:14); by standing before his Cross, which is the cathedra of ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 25

0:25 - The meaning behind communion - I just want to do this from the heart. ... My heart is so at peace. Daddy is saved." I asked Holy Spirit - Why 20 ...

Sadness - Pope Francis Homilies

But do not let your heart be troubled, remain in peace, that peace that is ... Having faith means keeping your heart turned to God, to His love, to His ...

Pope Francis Homilies - Galatians

The true Catholic, the true Christian is one who receives Jesus within, which changes your heart. This is the question I ask you all today: what does Jesus mean ...

Dan Mohler - Notes - Day 47

That was the position God's heart was in when He made man. 52:30 - Born into Adam. Love - Loving Others. 53:05 - How do I ...

Luke Chapter 2 - Pope Francis Homilies

We do well to leave such things behind, in order to discover, in the simplicity of the divine Child, peace, joy and the luminous meaning of life. Let us allow ...