About 1,341,736 results (5,769 milliseconds)

Totally Unofficial Rap-Dictionary (Bi-monthly Posting)

Slang for gun and penis is almost always interchangable. Wherever you ... Now it means white bigot, from whip-cracker or slavedriver. "Got a little ...

Rap Dictionary (part 1 of 4)

Slang for gun and penis is almost always interchangable. Wherever you ... means white bigot, from whip-cracker or slavedriver. "Got a little problem ...

Solresol Dictionary - Google Drive

Is all this horse talk really necessary? 1020. Faresolmi, Saddle, saddler. 1021. Faresolfa, Stirrup. 1022. Faresolla, Whip, crop ... Pistol, handgun. 1072.

Scottish words help!!

Rhyming slang can be fairly local unless it gets popular through the TV ... In Fife, scoosh would mean to squirt with a liquid. It also means lemonade ...

CN103198722A - English training method and English training ...

Mean is average; Base; Inferior. The Neat dexterity; Clean and tidy; Graceful ... [American Slang]; (referring to appearance or pachylosis especially) is ...

2000+ Most Common Words, Translated (PUBLIC) - Google Drive

mean, significar, significar, Significare, medie, signifier, bedeuten, gemeen ... pistol, pistolet, Pistole, pistool, pistol, pistol, kanon, byssu. 724. dog ...

1 wordlist 2 wordlist

certain souls are kept; a prison (slang) limn :: draw; outline; describe ... flay :: strip off skin/whip (Fights) flippant :: a sportive person, pert ...

Going Full Sorenson - Ask Vector Prime

His weapons are given names here. His whip is called a lightning whip, the weapon of 1988 Autobot Pretender Cloudburst. His guns are quagma rifles; quagma is ...

Copy of The Overseer Project Item List - Google Drive

A pair of sharp pointy objects that can also whip up a mean sweater if you get cold. ... A firearm with more power than a pistol, although it does take up both ...

Spirits of Chrome and Cyberspace.docx

... pistol, whip, improvised weapon. 0. Balanced Stance, hand weapons, swordcane ... If this spell were cast on him with an Effect of 2, it would mean the work is ...

CN1219283C - Vedio tape picture and text data generating and ...

Best, described controller comprises the online electronic dictionary instrument, is used for consulting the dictionary of certain word that shows on the ...

Okcupid questions - Google Drive

Do you know what the slang term 'Mofo' means? Yes, No, 1344, O, descriptive. 762 ... Eisenhower once said that every gun that is made, every warship ...


... does dog dogged doggedly doggedness dogging doghouse dogma dogmas dogmatic ... mean meander meandered meandering meanders meaner meanest meaning ...

Tibetan Vocabulary

This is meant to be a word-index (or what I would like to call a trouble-shooting word list) more than a dictionary. What this means is that technical, ...

CN1420488A - Vedio tape picture and text data generating and ...

Best, described controller comprises the online electronic dictionary instrument, is used for consulting the dictionary of certain word that shows on the ...

D bastion : D growl : D maverick : D lethargic : D paraphernalia : D ...

suitable for servants; lowly; mean; N: someone who does menial work (esp. ... region near heaven or hell where certain souls are kept; prison (slang); Ex.

les amis de l'abc in les miserables

"What does Hercle mean?" Bahorel answered:—. "It means cursed name of a dog ... "He is a man who does good by gun-shots," said Combeferre. Those who ...

Quotes and Facts Collection - BSD-Bibliophile

"What do you mean? Extremely tragic is a good description of you.” - Dazai ... gun did not sound promptly at noon. - Mishima Yukio, Confessions of a ...

D abase lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself ...

dicate an omission (when the meaning can be under- stood without them); PL ... whip); Ex. flick the switch. ♥ flicker burn unsteadily or fitfully; move ...

TextClassification_multiChannel.ipynb - Colab

The steps are : Pre-processing and encoding text data using tf.keras Tokenizer; Building the Model with tf.keras Functional API. Training the Model ...